Post office provides services for customer’s convenience

The Lake Orion Post Office has added an automated postal center to its lobby, and Postmaster Ted Banks said that, along with online services, should help make using the post office’s services a little easier.
‘Instead of waiting in line, customers can use a credit or debit card to use the machine,? said Banks, who has been working in Lake Orion for the past year. ‘They can mail packages (domestic and international letters), and buy stamps.?
The post office is now processing passports, offering the service from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday through Friday.
‘In the future we’ll expand that and include Saturday,? said Banks, who also plans to expand the office’s regular Saturday hours in the future. ‘Before, people had to go outside of Lake Orion, to places like Rochester, to have their passport processed.?
The automated postal center has hours of 5:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday, while the Lake Orion Post Office’s hours are 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday.
‘The automated center works like an ATM machine,? Banks explained. ‘There is a secure collection box in the outer lobby where they can put their letters and packages.?
The US Post Office also offers numerous services online at its website,
‘Customers can put their mail on hold, and do a change of address…they don’t even need to come into the office,? Banks said. ‘They can order package materials, do zip code searches, and even buy postage.?
Lake Orion’s Post Office also accepts orders for stamps via fax, and they are then delivered to your home or business by your mail carrier.
The post office’s fax number is (248) 693-5883.
‘We can also fax them an order form if they want to see what’s available,? Banks said.
Customers can arrange online to have package shipped, and have their carrier pick it up at their home or business.
Banks said if anyone has questions about services offered on the website, or any other postal services, they can call 1-800-ASK-USPS, and they will be able to talk to a person.
Banks is currently reviewing the post office’s deliveries in Lake Orion to ensure safety for both the customer and carrier.
‘We’ll be reviewing some areas we feel might not be safe,? he said. ‘We’re going to do a dog bite compaign in April, to show customers how they can keep the carriers safe.?
On April 15, Lake Orion will extend its hours for tax night, with two retail clerks available.
The main office will be open until 9 p.m., and the automated center will be open until midnight.
‘If they are there by 12 a.m., we will be postmarking their forms April 15,? Banks said.
The post office also sells a selection of postal-related gift items, like teddy bears, framed art and other collectibles.
Banks wants the post office to be active in the community, and he is especially proud of Lake Orion postal worker Charlotte Cito, who with her daughter Dawn, has spearheaded a campaign on her own to collect items and send packages to local troops overseas.
Cito currently has about six names on her list, and said if someone has a name from the Oakland, Orion or Oxford area, they should contact her at 693-1936.
Cito has been working on the project for two years, and said some of the items they collect include: lip balm, AA batteries, white socks, toothbrushes/toothpaste, spices, instant oatmeal, suntan lotion, pens and paper, phone cards, games, gum and instant coffee.
For a complete list of items needed, contact Cito.
‘She has taken on this project on her own, and it’s a very nice thing to do for reaching back into the community. I think it’s wonderful,? Banks said.

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