Maybee Road paving around the corner

After several developers, a couple letters of credit and a new promise, Independence Township officials are still left with one question: When will Maybee Road be paved?
After lengthy discussions lasting three meetings, Independence Township trustees voted on March 15 to approve the final site plan of Eagle Ridge Morgan Lake PRD, Phase III Residential contingent upon several factors.
According to the motion made by Trustee Dan Travis, before the site plan approval can take effect, Project Manager Angelo P. Zervos, of Zervos Equities LLC, must complete the following items:
? Have the completion and paving of Maybee Road ‘substantially commenced,? which means the road will have drainage, be graveled and approved by the Road Commission for Oakland County for paving.
? The township will have an estimate done by the RCOC estimating the cost of completing the road after the ‘substantially commenced? stage.
? All legal documents pertaining to this transaction and the well site dedication to Independence Township are to be signed by all parties within 10 days of the township’s presentation of those documents.
? All additional requirements made from the July 7, 2004 review letter from Carlisle/Wortman Associates; the July 15, 2004 review letter from Hubbell, Roth and Clark; and the August 3, 2004 review letter from King and MacGregor Environmental. These letters pertain to the Maybee Road work as well as the developer’s site plan.
With his final site plan approval, Zervos said during the township board meeting he is now able to move forward with the infrastructure and grading for his Phase III development. He added that he intends to pave Maybee Road at the same as his infrastructure.
However, the final requirement on the site plan approval does not allow Zervos any building permits without a letter of credit for the remaining work on Maybee Road.
Township Trustee Charles Dunn requested that the cost of completion of Maybee Road for the letter of credit be based on estimates from the RCOC. He also asked that the letter of credit be good for one year, with the township having 60 days in which to call in the letter.
The township board unanimously approved the motion with all requirements. Mr. Zervos said he plans to continue work on Maybee Road as soon as the weather and RCOC timelines permit.

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