Lake board guidelines adopted

Current and future lake improvement board representatives will have clear ‘guidelines? if chosen to represent Springfield Township government.
The township board on March 10 adopted an eight-point document which officials believe will protect township interests on the five-member lake boards, most of which now have two township representatives.
In discussing the final draft, Clerk Nancy Strole argued for more specific references to the Clean Water Act, watershed guidelines and other environmental considerations to guide the township representatives. The final language includes the phrase ‘take into consideration,? not a directive.
‘We can’t require them to do something that goes beyond the state lake board statute,? said Supervisor Collin Walls.
Other guidelines direct township lake board reps to ‘maintain an open mind and treat property owners equally with respect and courtesy? and ‘communicate openly, regularly and periodically with all property owners within the assessment district and the township board (at least annually).?
Township lake board reps are also directed to keep their lake board files up to date at the township offices, including contracts and lake board minutes.
State statute does not establish clear terms of office for lake board reps, and to date the township representatives have not had an expiration date.
‘It shouldn’t be a lifetime appointment,? Trustee Marc Cooper said, noting the three-year terms given to the planning commission and zoning board. ‘It should be just like any other appointment we make.?
Since three of the four lake boards in Springfield Township already have one township rep, trustees decided to stagger the terms. Current representatives will be given a full three-year term, while the new, second representative will have one two-year term before converting.
The second township representative, along with additional administrative responsibilities for township government, came as a result of a new state law which took effect on March 1.
Trustees made temporary appointments for new positions, and appointed Mike Trout the lone Springfield representative to the Waumegah Lake board (where the other local government rep comes from Independence Township). After reviewing applications, the board is expected to make long-term appointments at the May meeting.

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