Clarkston Village Players get ‘Lost in Yonkers?

Come out and join the Clarkston Village Players as they get ‘Lost in Yonkers.?
The Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winning play written by Neil Simon is the humorous and touching story of two young boys who move in with their stern grandma while their father goes on an extended business trip. While the children contend with their unusual family during their short exile in Yonkers; the rest of their sad, funny family is truly lost.
‘I wanted to direct this show because I like Neil Simon’s style of writing and have wanted to direct one of his plays for a while,? said CVP Director David Nelson. ‘When this opportunity came up, I jumped at the chance because I felt it would be a challenge as it is a very funny and moving play.?
Once again some of CVP’s finest are brought into the spotlight: Nancy Penvose as Grandma, Elizabeth Nelson as Bella, Alex Kasbab as Jay, Cameron Stefanski as Arty, Mel Case as Louie, Rick Shaw as Eddie and Debbie Truba as Gert.
‘You must have the actors to portray this play in such a way that it is believable and flows naturally,? said Nelson. ‘I was happy to be blessed with such a talented group of actors.
‘We are very lucky to have two young talented actors ? Cameron, 11, and Alex, 15 ? who portray two leads, something we don’t usually have in our main shows as they are mostly adult shows and actors. It was a nice change to see some talented young actors up there on stage. I hope they learned a lot about acting from us, but I think we also learned a lot form them too.?
Producing the play is Nancy Penvose with the assistance of Stage Manager Joanne Anderson, Sound Designer Chris Danke and Nelson doing his own set and light design.
‘I think what I enjoy most about this play is Simon’s use of humor to trap the audience and reverse their expectations for the entire play,? said Nelson.
‘I think our audiences will enjoy this play because one moment you may be laughing at something and the next you are moved to tears. It has just the right amount of mixture to keep you interested in what is happening.?
‘Lost in Yonkers? opened this weekend with the following show dates: March 11-12, 18-20 and 24-26. Thursday performances begin at 7:30 p.m., Sunday performances at 2 p.m., and Friday and Saturday performances at 8 p.m.
Tickets are $10 for Thursday and Sunday performances, and $12 for Friday and Saturday. All shows are at the Depot Theater, located at 4861 White Lake Road. For tickets or directions to the theater, please call 248-625-8811. For further information, please go online at

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