Senior center recommended

After taking a step back on May 16 to make sure their ducks are in the line, the Independence Township Parks and Recreation Commission reached a unanimous decision on July 13.
Commission members voted unanimously to bring before the Independence Township Board of Trustees a recommendation for a new 14,000-square-foot senior center and operational millage.
The recommendation asks the board to place a 20-year bond issue on the November ballot for a $3.1-$3.5 million building and a four-year operational millage not to exceed $650,000 in collection.
The exact number of mills required for each is not yet finalized. According to Commission Chairman David Lohmeier, the mills and ballot language will be completed by the township finance department and bond council if the issues go on the ballot.
‘The commission is supportive of this. We’re all on the same page,? said Lohmeier. ‘I’m eager to get to the board with this and hopefully get their approval.?
‘There was still debate about whether or not to add a gymnasium to the plan,? said Parks and Rec Director Mike Turk concerning the July 13 meeting. ‘In the end, everyone agreed what is needed now is a senior center. A gym is a future project, not a necessity.?
Discussions concerning a new senior center and operational millage hit a running pace at the beginning of this year. Originally, the Parks and Rec Commission targeted an August ballot proposal and voted on a recommendation this past April.
However, commission members decided on May 4 to rescind that decision as new information became available.
‘What we were able to do in this time was discuss the plans with the township engineers and (Township Planner Dick) Carlisle,? said Lohmeier. ‘HRC (the township engineers) brought us numbers that were very supportive of the $3.5 million building plan.?
Lohmeier anticipates going before the board during the August 1 regular board meeting (7:30 p.m. at the Independence Township Library) with the recommendation and general concept plans for the site.
For background information on the senior center ballot proposals, please go to and type ‘No action on senior center ballot issues? or ‘Senior center delayed? in the search engine.
In addition, search for ‘senior center? for general results and to review The Clarkston News? series taking an in-depth look at the need for a new senior center building and operational millage.

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