Women’s club celebrates 50 years of local service

The Clarkston Community Women’s Club is proud of their efforts to establish the first library in Independence Township.
They thought it only natural to choose the current library as the location for their 50th anniversary tea on Sunday, Nov. 7.
The club formed in September 1954. Only six months later was the first open house of the new library, one of the first goals set by the fledgling service organization.
About 35 women ? current and past members alike ? joined around food and fellowship, not to mention a display of past records of activities.
Gail Ferguson, a member for 31 years and a past president, said the formal decorations of the anniversary tea was a nice reminder of the way meetings used to be.
‘It was back in the days of the white gloves,? she said. ‘We’ve become laid back into more casual stuff.?
While styles may change, the purpose of the club has not. Several present and past members had similar reasons for joining.
‘Back then we were all stay-at-home moms,? said Marty Johnson, president from 1965 to 1967. ‘Part of it was because they were all associated with the library. Community service was part of what interested me.?
‘It’s just a good way for women get together, not only to socialize, but also to talk about issues relevant to the community and women at large,? said Sandy Graham.
In addition to fundraisers for various worthy causes, the club enjoys monthly meetings with speakers on various topics. Occasional social trips also are a highlight. Several reminisced about excursions to the Kentucky Derby and the Phil Donahue and Oprah Winfrey shows in Chicago.
Current service projects include support for Clarkston Area Youth Assistance, scholarships for Clarkston High School students (last year totaling $1,000), a Christmas family adoption and, of course, regular donations to the Friends of the Library.
The anniversary tea included special recognition of Janet Rose, the club’s first president. Rose was given much credit for the original library project.
Current President Krista Seiter said her motivation for joining is not much different from many over the past 50 years.
‘I wanted to give back to the community, and I wanted to meet some people because I was new to the community,? Seiter said. ‘It’s also a great way for women to come together and build friendships, and to learn something every month.?
The club is currently conducting a sale of cookies and cookbooks. In November will be an auction of items handcrafted by club members.
At one point in their history, the Clarkston Community Women’s Club had a limit on the number of members, but not so today. For more information on club activities, call (248) 625-2924.

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