Famous ‘Labor Brownies? make for very tasty tale

Joyce Zurel is not big about cooking, but she absolutely loves writing.
Little did this Clarkston resident know, but her passion for one would lead her to acclaim in the other.
Zurel, a Clarkston resident since 1980, was recently awarded third place in the ‘Taste of Story? Competition sponsored through the Michigan Counsel for Humanities. The competition is part of the Michigan Story Festival held at Central Michigan University.
Zurel submitted an entertaining tale titled ‘How the Labor Brownies Got Their Name.?
A library technician at Oakland Community College, Auburn Hills Campus, Zurel learned about the competition through some mail received at work. She entered the competition at the end of August.
‘I just decided to send a couple in,? explained Zurel.
The ‘Labor Brownies? story describes how Zurel’s girlfriend Chris was eight weeks overdue with her first baby – which reduced to two weeks after a doctor’s miscalculation of her due date was taken into consideration.
Attempting to escape the ‘multitude of phone calls? from ‘well-meaning friends and relatives who were calling to ask whether or not she had dropped yet,? Chris visited Zurel’s home. That day, Zurel had made a batch of her now famous brownies.
After resisting the brownies all day, Chris finally enjoyed some with a glass of healthy milk.
Zurel writes in her story: ‘Almost immediately after eating the brownies, that she said were gut bombs, her water broke and she went into labor. Indeed they were gut bombs. A baby girl, my goddaughter, was born the next morning.?
‘For years after this transpired, whenever friends were overdue with their babies, my labor brownies were requested and eaten, but they never really did the trick again.?
Zurel still giggles when talking about that moment.
‘We just laugh and laugh about it,? she said. ‘She was so ready at that point. With the first one, you don’t know what’s happening or what to expect. She was ready.?
Zurel learned she was a contest winner in mid-October.
‘I was excited when I found out,? she said. ‘Actually, when I got the brochure in the mail, I thought ‘That’s nice. They’ve invited me even though I didn’t win.? Then I noticed they wanted by social security number or something like that and I thought ‘That’s weird.?
‘I really didn’t realize it at first,? she laughed.
Her prize included $50 and an invitation to the Michigan Story Festival held Oct. 22 and 23 at Central Michigan University. Zurel attended several seminars and was able to view a unique project titled ‘Time Slips,? where a PhD student presented a piece written entirely through the verbal communications of Alzheimer’s patients.
‘It was very nice,? said Zurel in regard to the festival. ‘It was really interesting. It really opens you to writing.
Zurel has made her ‘Labor Brownies? for the past 30 years. The ‘labor specialist? does not remember when or where she got the recipe, and the ingredients have gone through a couple incarnations over the years (from using melted chocolate to boxed brownie mix for example), but the Clarkston resident still enjoys making a batch now and then for special occasions.
‘This was just a good experience,? concluded Zurel.

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