M-15 bridge construction brings a new safety path

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The following may be a bit surprising: Members of the Independence Township Board were pleased to learn that the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will be completely reconstructing the M-15 bridge over I-75 this spring.
Yes, that’s correct, board members were pleased to hear about more road construction in the Clarkston area.
Township engineering consultant Jamie Burton, with Hubbell, Roth & Clark, informed board members that MDOT is willing to include a $1.6 million safety path addition to the M-15 bridge project.
‘What we are bringing to you is an opportunity for the township to get a safety path at the M-15 bridge crossing,? said Burton during the Nov. 3 regular board meeting.
According to MDOT’s proposal, the $1.6 million will create a 14-foot wide safety path (a 10-foot path including 2-foot shoulders) on the east side of the bridge. The path will fulfill a long-time goal of township officials: to connect the northern residents with the southern residents, as well as downtown Clarkston.
For MDOT’s role, the plan includes adding the path to the bridge, extending the safety paths north and south out of the limited access highway right of way, and paying the engineering costs for the project. The agency will also provide installation for conduits and foundations for decorative lighting, as well as any upgraded fencing requested by the township.
The $1.6 million cost does not include a $300,000 grant MDOT received for the safety path engineering.
‘This is a unique opportunity for the township,? said Burton. ‘If you agree to do this, you are going to help their bridge look pretty sharp.?
So, how much red tape does the township have to clear before getting the new safety path? Only about $300,600 worth, a small amount by Burton’s estimations considering the scope of the project.
MDOT asked for township officials to approve and complete the following requirements:
n Complete the safety paths to the north and south of the M-15 bridge project limits, which would include all paths between Cranberry Lake Rd. and the Village’s sidewalk system. The cost is approximately $147,600.
n Pay for the construction engineering on the $300,000 grant portion of the project at around $25,000.
n Agree to and pay for the decorative lighting. The township would contribute $5,000 towards the foundations and conduits and an additional $36,000 for the lights themselves. The number of lights include three on each side (both ends and on the center pier).
n Pay the additional cost of any upgraded decorative fencing beyond the standard cost of the fencing provided by MDOT. The approximate cost is $60,000.
n In addition, a $27,000 contingency amount was established.
‘This is a unique opportunity for the township,? Burton said. ‘If you agree to this, you’re going to help (MDOT’s) bridge look pretty sharp.?
‘I think this is great,? said Township Clerk Joan McCrary.
‘I don’t know how much of our safety path budget will have to be backlogged to cover this, but it’s worth it, definitely worth it,? agreed Board Member Larry Rosso.
‘It’s a no brainer to approve what the safety path committee is saying,? concurred Jim Wenger. ‘I’m picturing the mother of all bridges. Nice, something people will want to look at and come see.?
‘I think every parent who has agonized over their children going on their bikes downtown to get an ice cream cone will be grateful,? said Daniel Travis.
The only concern raised was by Clerk McCrary, who questioned which account would pay the utility bill for the decorative lighting.
The board unanimously passed a motion for the safety path committee to pay the $300,600 from their annual budget, in addition to any future utility costs for the decorative lighting.
The monies will come from the safety path committee budget, currently supplied at approximately $500,000 annually from two levies totalling .5 mills. The most recent of the two 10-year levies was approved two years ago.
Bill Shreck, a regional communications representative with MDOT, said the M-15 bridge reconstruction will begin as early as April; however, work will be pushed back to June depending on other area projects, such as the work on southbound I-75.
Shreck said plans are to complete the entire project in one calendar year. Crews will be closing the ramps in the area, but one lane will be maintained across the bridge at all times.

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