Art-craft show expands from home to larger hall to benefit SCAMP

Several years ago, Caryl Alessi was first exposed to Clarkston SCAMP through friends with special needs children.
‘I could see what a help it was to the families,? she said. ‘It’s a unique organization and it started here in Clarkston.?
That led Alessi to launch a small artiand craft show in her home. At first, the event included only her work offered for sale to a few friends.
‘Then it grew to several friends,? she said.
Each year the number of ‘friends? grew, both patrons and artisans. Last year, 10 people offered arts and crafts at the special event, and 20 are scheduled this year.
The benefit show is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 21 at the American Legion hall, 8047 Ortonville Road.
‘This is the big step out,? Alessi said.
When the shows were located in her home, Alessi always offered complimentary hot coffee, tea and ‘goodies? as part of the ambiance. She will attempt to recreate that atmosphere in the new location, and the refreshments will be part of that effort.
A music teacher until her retirement a few years ago, Alessi has also had a lifelong interest in art, and has created crafts and attended art workshops for many years.
Visitors to the show can expect to see exhibits of photography, mixed-media and recycled art work, fabric art, mosaic stones, antiques, pottery, herbal teasiand vinegars, aroma therapy products, paper products and more.
While the show is not intended to have a specific holiday theme, Alessi expectsithere will be ample offerings for folks looking for Thanksgiving and Christmas items.
For more information about the show, please contact Marilyn Zawacki at (248) 625-5820.

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