Students launch new tradition with ‘Class Tree’

A new tradition began on Oct. 21 at Clarkston Elementary School.
The Class of 2017, those in kindergarten this year, planted their first class tree along the drop-off drive in front of the building: a Chanticleer Pear Tree.
‘This is the first year we’ve done this,? said Anne-Marie Williamson, a co-chair with Ruth Dargay on the PTO Garden Committee, ‘and I hope their are many more.?
The tree planting project is sponsored by the Clarkston Elementary PTO garden committee and Bordine Nursery. The garden committee is a group of parent volunteers who complete the fall and spring cleanup of the school every year.
Williamson explained the program tiesiinto the kindergarten curriculum with a ‘hand-on experience.? The children are introduced to gardening while performing a community service for the school.
‘The best part is for the children to watch their tree grow and see it in the various seasons,? said Williamson. ‘Then they can come back and see it through the years.?
With the encouragement of principal Dana Pennanen and kindergarten teachers Megan Birkett and Diane Knakal, the garden committee contacted Bordine Nursery for assistance. The local business provided a gift certificate, as well as assistance with choosing an appropriate tree.
Williamson said the tree, which grows to approximately 30-40 feet, will be marked with a sign stating ‘Class of 2017.?
‘Our goal is to plant one tree a year. We’re hoping to line the whole circle with trees,? said Williamson. ‘We hope to continue this all across the school grounds.?

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