Episcopals welcome new pastor

Fr. Don Duford has high hopes and aspirations for his new position as pastor of the Church of the Resurrection in Clarkston.
He also has the credentials to pursue those aspirations.
A former executive vice president with 25 years experience in the business world, Duford entered full-time ministry in 1990 and was ordained an Episcopal priest in 1996. To his M.B.A. he added a master’s degree in theology and a doctor’s degree in ministry. He is also a licensed professional counselor.
Along the way, he has served as a chaplain to public safety agencies, including District 2 of the Michigan State Police. Duford also has training as a hostage negotiator. While he has yet to be called into action in that role, he has experience as a counselor to those involved in traumatic situations.
‘Most people in this business need somebody to talk to,? he said.
Previously at Christ Church Cranbrook, Duford came to the Church of the Resurrection in August. His assignment is to help the local congregation in a ‘redevelopment? phase of ministry. Working with people in the parish, Duford will help develop a mission and vision statement, a six-month outreach strategy and a 16-month calendar of church activities.
Among his plans are a new youth group, and some already scheduled field trips to allow people to get to know each other better in different surroundings.
The goal is to determine the needs of the community, and Duford hopes to offer services to local schools and other agencies as well.
While he knows the organized church has suffered some image problems over the years, he still believes in the relevance of ministry.
So far, his experience in the Clarkston area has been positive.
‘The people have charmed us,? he said, and in his short time in the area he has become involved with the Clarkston Rotary Club, noting he very much enjoyed the local Labor Day Parade.
He and his wife of 39 years, Kay, have three grown children and enjoy traveling and reading. Duford is excited about planning a ministry trip to Haiti, where he has also ministered.

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