Alcohol sale sting shows stores alert

There were no bites among 12 Independence Township stores tested Oct. 6 for their thoroughness in checking underage ID before selling alcoholic beverages.
Oakland County Sheriff deputies used two people under 21 years of age to see if clerks would make a sale. In every case, the clerk checked identification, reports said.
Stores which can expect a letter of congratulations are Heather Lakes Market, Lakeview Food Basket, Country Lake Market, Sashabaw Market, the Sashabaw Road Farmer Jack, Pine Knob Wine Shoppe, Kroger stores on both Sashabaw Road and Dixie Highway, the Sashabaw Road Marathon station, Liquor Cabinet, Bianca’s II and Rite Aid.
Lt. Dale LaBair, commander of the Independence Township sheriff substation, said such tests are conducted at least twice a year.

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