OMS students design business brochures

Students in Catherine Colagross? seventh grade English class received a true lesson in real world application when they designed new brochures for Fancy Feet & Fingers in Oxford.
‘Students always want to know ‘How am I going to use English in real life??? said Colagross. ‘This was an opportunity to give them a real life example of how English can be used by a business.?
The students took a brochure currently being used by Fancy Feet & Fingers and revamped the design. They added graphics and reworded some of the text on the pamphlet. The entire project took about three weeks.
‘I was getting my nails done there and saw the brochure,? Colagross remembered. ‘I knew I had software that could make the brochure look better and I had already been looking for a ‘real-life? English project. The two just fell together.?
‘The kids had so much fun with it.?
Each student created their own designs and revised their projects anywhere from five to seven times. The class then turned demos in to Fancy Feet & Fingers, and the owners selected the winners.
‘I think children’s education should be a top priority,? said Amy Torres with Fancy Feet & Fingers. ‘To reward the children and give them an opportunity to partake in real life is invaluable.?
The winning brochures belonged to Angie Pollack and R.J. Balde.
‘It was fun. I enjoyed it,? said 12-year-old R.J. Balde. ‘I like computers and anything to do with computers, so it was great.?
‘The hardest part was getting all the spelling right and putting everything in the right spot,? said Angie Pollack, 11. ‘I liked designing it. I liked picking out all the stuff – the fonts and everything.?
Neither student expected their project to be selected by the business. ‘I thought it was cool,? said a smiling Pollack. ‘I didn’t expect it at all.?
‘I was excited and surprised,? added Balde.
As a reward for their work, Fancy Feet & Fingers provided the students with a manicure and pedicure. Pollack has already had her nails done and will be going back for her pedicure, while Balde decided to pass his prize on to his mom, Jennifer Balde. However, the curious young Balde did go with his mom and tried out a hand-waxing treatment.
‘I would definitely do this project again,? said Balde. ‘It was fun.?
Colagross said the project went so well the class would like to do more brochures, and even take their work up a level. ‘We’re looking for an opportunity now for the students to start from scratch and design the whole brochure, not just redesign one,? explained Colagross. ‘Any business interested can just give us a call.?
Business owners interested in using the talents and imaginations of some of Oxford Middle Schools most creative youngsters can contact Katherine Colagross at 248-969-1800, ext. 1524.

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