Oxford twins study diplomacy in Europe

Two Oxford High School seniors recently expanded their horizons and their futures.
Twins Justin and Jordan Zaner, 16, of Oxford Township, recently attended The National Student Leadership Conference’s ‘Diplomacy Abroad? program. The program is a chance for students to experience and study the skills and traits that define leadership through unique learning environments.
For two weeks in July, Justin and Jordan traveled with a group of 50 students, ages 16-19, from across the U.S. to the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and France where they learned about different governments and diplomatic processes. They toured culturally and politically important sites such as the International Court in Holland and the European Union Parliament in Belgium.
‘I’m really interested in international politics and diplomacy,? said Justin. Jordan agreed, but added that he ‘simply likes looking and experiencing different countries and cultures.?
‘I enjoyed visiting Switzerland the best,? said Jordan. ‘I just liked the mountains. I thought they were great.?
In addition to their tours, the Oxford youths participated in a Mock United Nations demonstration where they represented Russia. The model diplomatic situation revolved around three current issues: security council reform, terrorism and rebuilding Afghanistan.
‘It was really a lot of fun,? said Justin. ‘We learned a lot about how the United Nations works and how laws are passed.?
The chance to travel abroad was a once in a lifetime opportunity for the Oxford duo. In fact, both boys had been homeschooled until this year, when they decided to attend Oxford High School; and neither had ever been overseas. The brothers commented on the many cultural differences they encountered.
‘The water surprised me,? said Jordan. ‘There were no drinking fountains anywhere. First thing I did was come home and drink a big glass of water.?
‘And the pay bathrooms were odd,? added Justin. ‘Even in restaurants you would often have to pay to use the restroom.?
The twins also said they enjoyed seeing cultural differences through their Dutch tour guides. Justin explained that many of the places they visited would provide site guides, such as the European Union Parliament, but then the students would return to their Dutch tour guides for the overall trip and hear a whole new viewpoint.
‘It was interesting to watch them,? explained Justin. ‘They would give their perspective and it would be completely different. It was neat.?
So were Justin and Jordan changed by their two week adventure – definitely.
‘They are more grown-up now,? said mom Donna. ‘They are so much more individual.?
Justin and Jordan agreed that their trip abroad has helped them to define their futures. While neither youth knows where he wants to go to college – ‘It’s such a big decision,? said Jordan – both know what they hope to do with their careers. Justin said he plans on majoring in political science with a possible career in politics, while Jordan hopes to work in international relations with the State Department. Both Oxford students hope to visit even more countries in the near future.
?(The trip) was definitely worth it,? concluded Justin. ‘I would tell anyone interested to definitely go for it. It was fast. It was exciting. It was a lot of fun.?
Justin and Jordan learned about The National Student Leadership Conference after they took their PSAT’s. Anyone interested in learning more about NSLC can talk with their school counselor, or contact the organization directly at 1-800-994-6752 or go online at www.NSLCleaders.org.

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