Cell Tower Approved

At their June 7 regular meeting, the Addison Township Board of Trustees unanimously approved a site plan from Sprint PCS for the construction of a cell tower in Addison Oaks Park.
Sprint originally requested for the tower to be built at a site in Copper Hills Golf Course, but difficulties with permits and several complaints from area residents led the phone company to change locations. According to township Supervisor Bob Koski, the site in Addison Oaks Park was approved for cell tower use in October 1993. The only question raised by board members or the public was whether or not the township would, or could, receive any of the funds which will be paid by Sprint for the tower. Supervisor Koski explained that since Addison Oaks Park is owned by Oakland County, the county will receive all rental amounts and other such fees. One suggestion made by several audience members was to allow Addison residents free access to the park.
County Representative Bill Patterson was present for the meeting and said he would look into where the money from the tower would be going in the county, and whether or not something could not be done to accommodate the residents.

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