Addison’s annual meeting

At the March 17 annual meeting, the Addison Township Board of Trustees unanimously approved the 2004-2005 fiscal year budget.
The township’s general appropriations budget is set for $1,084,112 in revenues with $1,082,878 in expenditures, leaving a positive balance of $1,234. The fire operational budget has $592,191 in revenues and $589,000 in appropriations, leaving a fund balance of $3,191. The fire department’s capital account estimated $265,225 in revenues and $262,213 in expenditures for an ending balance of $3,012. The police fund is estimated at $860,431 in revenues with $860,000 in expenditures, for a positive balance of $431.
In total, the estimated revenues of all funds is $2,801,959. The total amount of appropriations is $2,794,091 for a net balance of $7,868.
‘I think our budget is a little spare – we’re going to be tight this year and stick close to the amounts,? said Township Treasurer Dan Alberty. ‘We held the line on everything right to the end.?
The township is estimating to lose around $25,000 in revenue sharing from the state this year. Alberty stated that the 2004-2005 budget has been estimated to receive around $425,000. In order to trim the budget, officials cut $23,000 from the building improvements and maintenance funds, around $14,000 from the park fund and $15,000 from legal expenses.
The board also voted to freeze the salaries of all township officials, township trustees and township employees. The township supervisor and treasurer will each receive a total salary and benefits package of $39,826.99. The township clerk will receive the same, as well as an additional $16,100 for additional duties related to land development (as adopted in 2002), bringing the total salary and benefits package to $55,926.99.
In addition, the board approved a resolution freezing the health insurance premium paid by the township. For 2004-2005, the township will pay the following premiums: $388.42 in lieu of, $388.42 single person, $940.59 two person and $1114.95 family. This means that any premium costs above these amounts will be covered by township employees.
The township’s current health insurance coverage ends this coming June. Officials are currently investigating insurance quotes and are trying to find comparable coverage and pricing. If a new company is found before the June deadline, the new plan will take effect as soon as possible.
The board also approved reducing the amount covered by the township for road chloride. Previously, the township covered 50 percent of the cost, whether through a township hired contractor or resident hired. That amount has been reduced to 25 percent coverage or reimbursement.
A final cost saving resolution states that ‘at this time all future appointments to inter-local government boards shall be a member of the administration or township board without compensation or additional salary.? However, this resolution does not apply to those members continuing to serve. Alberty stated that there are currently only two board members holding paid inter-local positions: Trustee Ed Brakefield is a member of the Planning Commission and the Polly Ann Trail Advisory Council, and Trustee John Sutphin is a member of NOTA.
No immediate savings will be seen by this resolution, but future savings are expected.
Finally, the township approved with the 2004-2005 budget a total of $510,000 in projected cash reserves. The amount breaks down into $75,000 in carry over from the budget, $45,000 for cemetery improvements, $250,000 for building improvements and $140,000 in undesignated funds.
A copy of the 2004-2005 Addison Township budget is available for inspection at the township offices.

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