* * * * * NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING * * * * *
The Charter Township of Orion Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 14,
2025, at 7:00 pm at the Orion Township Municipal Complex, 2323 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion, Michigan
48360, on the following matter:
AB-2025-03, Lawerence & Debra Sak, 980 Indianwood Rd., 09-03-251-001
The Petitioners are seeking 3 variances from Zoning Ordinance #78 – Zoned R-1
1. A 7-ft. side yard setback variance, to replace a shed 3-ft. from the property line to the east.
2. A variance to allow a shed to extend past the leading edge of the principal structure in the front yard.
3. A 128-sq. ft. variance above the allowed total maximum floor area of detached accessory buildings to
replace a 400-sq. ft. shed, for a total of 1,128-sq. ft. of all detached accessory buildings.
You may send correspondence regarding this case to the Charter Township of Orion, 2323 Joslyn Rd., Lake
Orion, MI 48360 to the attention of the Zoning Board of Appeals or send an email to
lharrison@oriontownship.org. You may also attend the public hearing in-person to express your views and/or
A copy of the proposed ZBA application is on file in the Planning & Zoning Department and may be viewed
between the hours of 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday, until the date of the public hearing.
Orion Township will provide necessary and reasonable auxiliary aids, and services for individuals with
disabilities at the public hearing upon advance notice by writing or calling Julia Dalrymple, Township Clerk,
2323 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion, Michigan 48360; (248) 391-0304, ext. 4001. Please contact the Clerkâs
office at least 72 hours in advance of the public hearing.
Dan Durham, Chairman
Zoning Board of Appeals
Charter Township of Orion
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