What does Father’s Day mean to you?

Being totally honest, neither Mother’s Day or Father’s Day is a favorite of mine. Each is a holiday to honor our earthly parents but in my household both are treated as just another day. I love being a mom, and being grateful for that daily makes every day Mother’s Day to me; no gifts necessary.
But, it is Father’s Day now and yes, I picked up something for my dad. Some nice pants and shirts as a combination gift since his birthday is only a couple of weeks away. My husband likes to purchase a specific golf club every year so I never have that gift to buy.
Checking with a friend she feels the way I do and replied; “It’s just a day you spend relaxing and celebrating with your family. Then the next day you work to make up for all the stuff you didn’t get done while you were relaxing.”
Feeling the way I do, I asked my husband, what are your thoughts about Father’s Day? He shrugged, “Well, maybe it’s a day you like just sitting around and petting your dog. Maybe a day you spend playing baseball with your kids.” In the end he said, “I have the title for your article, “What Does Father’s Day Mean to You?” Brilliant idea!
Life as a spiritual walk, brings a whole different meaning to Father’s Day. Spiritually, we look at how God, our Creator, our Father, Maker of the Heavens and Earth, is active in our lives and in our mind. Are we honoring His wisdom? Does our daily walk reflect the energy of a higher power, are we right with our God connection?
In spiritual living, we take our religious studies and live them. We continue to use the bible’s teachings, adding a metaphysical mindset, to look beyond the physical. With open minds, we seek a deeper meaning to life; one that leads us on a better path than we had previously been on.
Seeking is not new. I believe people have an internal innate pondering about the who, what, why and how of life and existence. In the New Testament, John 14, tells us; Jesus said; I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. This statement tells you we must know the life of Jesus. Practice the teachings of the Christ if we are to connect in the consciousness of the Father.
Unity Co-Founder, Charles Fillmore wrote, “Father – God through His Holy Spirit is the Father.” Take that thought in and meditate on how you live that in your life.
When Jesus said, the Father and I are one, he is telling us we choose to make that connection and become one. Meaning we choose (or not) to put on the image of God in our daily lives (Genesis 1:27) and live it.
In our spiritual walk we make this realization and we contemplate it regularly. We are always discerning if we are in fact doing the work or getting caught up in the physical world. Getting emotionally involved in the physical will pull us away from our Father’s kingdom. When working with our attention to the awareness of that kingdom we experience the good within it and in us as well.
This Father’s Day, look beyond the physical. I encourage you to see, listen and hear about the physical world without being emotionally attached to it. Link in, through the Christ in you and seek to live in oneness with the Father.
Note: I call it work, but linking in to the Christ in you, your hope and glory, is not work. You can relax, and know, the truth you seek already lies within you. It’s not really work because it exists within and has been in all people since the beginning of time.
A simple act of acknowledgement brings it to life; it’s multiplied when you share it with others, honor it, become it.
Honor thy Father – God loves it when you put your attention and awareness on Him. Let everyday be Father’s Day- no gifts necessary!

Many blessings in this new awareness,
Linda La Croix
Unity Director at Unity of Lake Orion. For more uplifting thoughts, visit Linda’s website, aspiritualwalk.com.

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