What did take 100 years now takes a few months

It used to be when a person celebrated their 100th birthday their write-up often included the earth-changing happenings in their lifetime.
Comments were meant to have us conclude we who are left will never see changes like those in our lifetime.
The invention and proliferation of cars, jet airplanes, World Wars, mechanical farm equipment, etc. might be cited. Today 10-year-olds have seen more earth-affecting changes than those 100-year-olds.
This week, many daily newspapers as we have known and loved them, left earth.
Japanese cars outnumber U.S., we have a black president, land telephone lines are passe, our country has been attacked by terrorists changing our freedom outlook.
Daily mail delivery is threatened, the internet is now our communicating tool, letter writing is fading and writing, period, is not being encouraged in schools.
In the past decade many things we thought important at the time have come and gone. The internet is constantly changing (adding and substracting) as are communicating devices like iPods, Wii, the telephone, digitizing cameras and kids toys.
Automobiles have to have back-up eyes, front ends have stop-crash stoppers, televisions, extra storage, give 50-miles-per-gallon averages, never need greasing and self-steering.
Everything will just be better.
And, obituaries will be longer as all the earth-changing events in the deceased’s lifetime are reviewed, but not in print. On the internet.
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? Let’s have a Supreme Court ruling that all elected officials (all) be water-boarded until the majority are convinced this person is telling the truth.
? Recipe for business: Expect downturns, increases in taxes and permit add-ons. Move on, accepting that it will happen.
? He failed, but Bill Huntoon had a great idea. He wanted his beagle to learn how to give his two, 5-year-old grandsons the high five. He got his dog to raise its paw, but it stayed limp.
? Is the Geico lizard British?
? When Catholic basketball players cross themselves before shooting a free throw, does God drop what He’s doing and review the shooter’s life before ruling?
? I direct the following to our daughter and her family who just came back from skiing in Colorado: The sport of skiing consists of wearing three thousand dollars worth of clothes and equipment and driving 2,000 miles in the snow in order to stand around at a bar and get drunk.
? The discussion on Fox News one evening last week was about President Obama forcing Chrysler to merge with Fiat. Fred Barnes, a regular on the program commented: ‘I used to own a Fiat. Do you know what Fiat stands for? Fix It Again, Tony!?
? It’s spring and time to start up the garden-lawn type tools. I pulled the cord on my, always reliable, edger several times for about three days, and it wouldn’t start. On the fourth day I checked the gas tank.
? For the first few years the tv show ‘The Closer? was one I chose not to watch. Recently, it became a favorite. And, because I hadn’t watched it, I don’t know, or care, if the shows are regular or reruns. I like the lead character, Kyra Sedgwick, and her several cohorts.
? I’ve come to admire hibernating bears. They can go as long as 6 months without a bathroom break.

It used to be when a person celebrated their 100th birthday their write-up often included the earth-changing happenings in their lifetime.
Comments were meant to have us conclude we who are left will never see changes like those in our lifetime.
The invention and proliferation of cars, jet airplanes, World Wars, mechanical farm equipment, etc. might be cited. Today 10-year-olds have seen more earth-affecting changes than those 100-year-olds.
This week, many daily newspapers as we have known and loved them, left earth.
Japanese cars outnumber U.S., we have a black president, land telephone lines are passe, our country has been attacked by terrorists changing our freedom outlook.
Daily mail delivery is threatened, the internet is now our communicating tool, letter writing is fading and writing, period, is not being encouraged in schools.
In the past decade many things we thought important at the time have come and gone. The internet is constantly changing (adding and substracting) as are communicating devices like iPods, Wii, the telephone, digitizing cameras and kids toys.
Automobiles have to have back-up eyes, front ends have stop-crash stoppers, televisions, extra storage, give 50-miles-per-gallon averages, never need greasing and self-steering.
Everything will just be better.
And, obituaries will be longer as all the earth-changing events in the deceased’s lifetime are reviewed, but not in print. On the internet.
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? Let’s have a Supreme Court ruling that all elected officials (all) be water-boarded until the majority are convinced this person is telling the truth.
? Recipe for business: Expect downturns, increases in taxes and permit add-ons. Move on, accepting that it will happen.
? He failed, but Bill Huntoon had a great idea. He wanted his beagle to learn how to give his two, 5-year-old grandsons the high five. He got his dog to raise its paw, but it stayed limp.
? Is the Geico lizard British?
? When Catholic basketball players cross themselves before shooting a free throw, does God drop what He’s doing and review the shooter’s life before ruling?
? I direct the following to our daughter and her family who just came back from skiing in Colorado: The sport of skiing consists of wearing three thousand dollars worth of clothes and equipment and driving 2,000 miles in the snow in order to stand around at a bar and get drunk.
? The discussion on Fox News one evening last week was about President Obama forcing Chrysler to merge with Fiat. Fred Barnes, a regular on the program commented: ‘I used to own a Fiat. Do you know what Fiat stands for? Fix It Again, Tony!?
? It’s spring and time to start up the garden-lawn type tools. I pulled the cord on my, always reliable, edger several times for about three days, and it wouldn’t start. On the fourth day I checked the gas tank.
? For the first few years the tv show ‘The Closer? was one I chose not to watch. Recently, it became a favorite. And, because I hadn’t watched it, I don’t know, or care, if the shows are regular or reruns. I like the lead character, Kyra Sedgwick, and her several cohorts.
? I’ve come to admire hibernating bears. They can go as long as 6 months without a bathroom break.

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