We plan, God laughs…

You’ve heard it before and most likely lived it once or twice: we plan, God laughs. It’s just a saying, but it sure can ring true! When it’s in your life, you find yourself changing your thoughts from something you think would be very grand, to accepting what life gives you.

Example: The weather warmed up early this year with a couple of days being over 70 degrees. After months of winter it was enjoyable and a bit unusual. The flowering trees began to open and with the sunny days it was easy to believe winter was behind us.

At that time, our magnolia tree was almost in full expression, looking beautiful, boasting its delicate spring blooms. We were really enjoying its display when Mother Nature decided to give us more snow.

Do you know what happened next?

The blooms covered with snow meant the end to enjoying a tree full of spring beauty. We would have to settle for seeing the beauty in single blooms instead of a whole tree. This was a disappointment; it meant letting go of enjoying the tree’s full beauty and accepting what life gave us.

And, we all know nature didn’t make a mistake. There was a message to be told in this. Being aware of the message will keep our lives in harmony with the wisdom of the Creator of All that is.

When you stood back looking at the whole magnolia tree you could not see the beauty in the individual flowers. So, that tells us we cannot stand back in life, looking from afar, and believe we see the real truth of an individual or situation. We must look at all things happening individually, up close, paying attention to the details.

Including looking at ourselves. What are we bringing to the collective? What is important for us to see up close?

In the mess of all the brown dead petals there was still some beauty to be found. Reminding us that this season wants us to look more closely at everything to really see and know its purpose, its reason for being. That even when things look messy there is still some beauty you can find.

The wet mushy brown leaves have been messier to clean up too. That says clean-up is on the agenda! Not just in nature, but also old goods taking up space, as well as old thoughts.

Remember in the great creation, God didn’t forget anything. Everything that exists or happens is intertwined with all God created. It all works together in harmony and when we act out of this awareness, our world runs smoother.

In Unity, we know this as living in the flow. Life is easier in the flow and is very serendipitous. When our lives are out of sync, we have stepped out of the flow. That is no big disaster, we can get back in the flow by paying attention to what is happening all around us. When you find your way back into the flow, you are really in perfect oneness with God, our Creator.

Each and every day we plan how our lives will go and that is good to do. Try your best to leave room in your plans for adjusting into the flow of life.

Your entire being is of God in expression. You are the wonderful life of our living God and all your actions are flowing with the divine creations of all that is. When you know all this and keep your mind open like an umbrella to change your wants, schedules, needs, deeds to what God’s purpose is for you, there are fewer struggles in life.

No longer will God laugh at your plans. He will already know your heart will easily flow with His purpose for you. And your life will be just as great as you can imagine it to be!

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21(NIV)

Enjoy the blessing that is you,

Linda La Croix

Linda La Croix is Prayer Chaplain & Unity Director at Unity of Lake Orion.

Look for La Croix’s column, A Spiritual Walk, regularly in The Lake Orion Review, and”Like” her Facebook page, A Spiritual Walk, to find more positive thoughts.


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