Watching the bands often enjoyable as the games

Watching the bands often enjoyable as the games
I watch, and enjoy a lot of football games (college and professional) on tv. I am always annoyed by commercials, and blather filling the screen when public interest should be considered and the cameras should focus on the bands.
So, while I spend a lot of time in front of the tube, being at a game is always better (no commercials or constant blathering by ego-filled, know-it-all announcers).
Thanks to friend Bill Patterson I was able to get reacquainted with the University of Michigan stadium when they played Wisconsin Sept. 23. The Michigan State games are such parties for daughter Luan and her husband, Bob, both MSU grads, that I’ve always been hesitant to accept their invites.
But, were I at Spartan Stadium, my feelings would be just as buoyed. I love the atmosphere. Thousands of happy people supporting their team colors. Tailgating feasts, kids tossing little footballs, school-supporting t-shirts galore and, believe it or not, a whole lot of courtesy.
Being present at this game prompted some comparisons to tube viewing. The really great thing to me was watching the plays and then not having someone tell me what I saw and what a player or coach was thinking.
Why the networks think there should be no time for viewers? conclusions, that these talking heads saw more than we seers and believe that silence is not golden escapes me.
Offering some background I understand, even appreciate, but the constant blathering is not only unnecessary, but irritating.
That said, let me get back to what I enjoy at these games, sometimes even more than the turf action.
The bands, the gymnasts, the flag wavers and the cheerleaders.
Now add fall colors and we have great entertainment in the great outdoors.
Then, when you can add a personal connection, like knowing a member of the marching band, in our case Emily Jacobsen playing the euphonium, it’s extra enjoyable. Emily is our hosts? granddaughter.
She’s one of about 220 in that ‘M? band. As such, she spends a whale of a lot more time practicing than the gridders. After all, they have to work together, precisely. For at least all the home games that means new music, new formations to learn each game and they each have to compete each week for a spot in the giant block ‘M.?
During this Saturday’s halftime performance, nearly all members of the band laid their instruments on the ground beside them and went through a dance routine. Something else learned.
It was a great spectacle and the 111,000 fans showed their appreciation, even the fans in Wisconsin red.
Michigan Stadium seats more people than any other stadium in the country. But the athletic director isn’t satisfied. Soon a suite addition will be started atop the stands on the east side.
New season ticket holders will come, and more money will flow into the coffers to help support the mandated Title 9 athletics.
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Just jotting
In my continuing effort to find foods ma’dog Shayna doesn’t like I offered her tuna and merlot recently. She loved the tuna, but wouldn’t even lap the wine.
There are so many ads on the tube offering help in finding a mate I decided to ask for the free question-aire. When I completed filling it out I drew my own conclusion. No use spending money to learn the obvious. I’m best mated to Shayna.
Jan Mickelsen: ‘Gaze at stars. See beauty everywhere. Work hard. Be wise. Try to understand. Take time for people.?
Definition: A vegetarian is a person who won’t eat anything that can have children.
Now, don’t that dill your pickle?

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