Village council forms committee for village manager’s performance review

By Megan Kelley
Staff Writer
LAKE ORION — During its meeting on Monday, the Lake Orion Village Council formed an ad-hoc committee to create a performance evaluation method by which to evaluate the village manager’s performance.
Village Manager Darwin McClary proposed the committee consist of himself and three council members.
The request was made in order for the village to be in accordance with Section eight of the Village Manager Employment Agreement, which states an evaluation should be performed after the first six months of the first year a new manager is hired and then on an annual basis every March.
McClary was hired 11 months ago in October of last year and has not had a performance evaluation in that time.
The evaluation is meant to provide a means of communication between council and the manager and should provide an evaluation based on council goals, objectives and expectations since the last evaluation.
Council President Jerry Narsh proposed the three council members that serve on the committee be council President Pro-Tem Teresa Rutt and Councilmembers Stan Ford and Nancy Moshier.
Moshier, however, did not want to serve on the committee, stating she had a negative experience on the last committee she had served on and did not want to serve on another committee again.
Councilmember Michael Lamb, who was then asked if he would like to serve on the committee, said “No thanks.”
Councilmembers Ken VanPortfliet and Carl Cyrowski were not present at the meeting.
McClary noted that the committee did not need three members of council, but could have up to three.
Narsh stated that his only concern for serving on the committee was if he would be able to make it work with his schedule, but said that he would attend if he is able.
The committee is expected to meet in the near future, with the committee to expire on Nov. 30 of this year.

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