Vet goes lite on Shayna’s eating routine

Vet goes lite on Shayna’s eating routine
No dog we’ve ever owned heard us say ‘kennel? when we referred to a dropping off point when we were leaving town for a while.
Such places were called ‘hotel,? ‘motel? or ‘inn? so-as to give them a feeling of class, security, love and respect. All our dropped-off dogs looked forward to their temporary stays.
I made arrangements with the Oxford Veterinary Inn to care for Shayna while both of us tested a separation; mine for deer sighting, since the UP is void of stags.
I gave receptionist Kelli specific feeding instructions: Shayna was to receive two scoops of vanilla ice cream at 9 o’clock Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Kelli asked bewilderedly, ‘In the morning??
I told her no, at night. She told me no one was there at that time. They could have made arrangements.
At the weigh-in I noted aloud that Shayna had gained 10 pounds. Smart-aleck Kelli said, ‘Maybe you should make that ‘lite? ice cream!?
I had the feeling I’d left Shayna in uncertain hands.
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Forget trouble. Forgive an enemy. Hope. Grow. Be crazy. Count your blessings. Make some mistakes. Learn from them. Celebrate Life.
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How The Old Farmer’s Almanac rhymes its way through December:
Mercy it’s mild, but turning wild!
On every rooftop snow is piled like wedding cake!
Sunny break to hit the malls, roast the chestnuts, deck the halls!
Cryogenic cold awaits in ?08!
And of December 13:
Lucy light, Lucy light!
Shortest day and longest night!
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How fortunate we are to have a person of such great ability returned to the Senate to represent us Michiganders.
Debbie Stabenow has, according to her campaign rhetoric, been ‘working hard and fighting for us? in Washington.
In her pre-election speeches she said, ‘I passed a bill.?
Amazing! The strength of this first term senator being able to personally pass a law.
What bothers me about this claim is that I’ve read nothing on these accomplishments for six years, nothing from her except when she came here to dedicate or witness something.
Of course, Debbie is no different from office holders in other parties in taking full, personal responsibilities for any and all popular pieces of legislation.
They drink from a different cup, have more direct vision, have insight sensed by only those of their ilk and are immune from making unpopular choices.
They are an amazing, chosen few.
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Best Buy, the world’s largest consumer electronics retailer, is remaking select stores to appeal to women, as reported in business news.
In about 60 stores (it doesn’t say if any are in Michigan) music has been toned down, aisles widened, play areas made for kids and service people trained on how to communicate with women.
Wow! Can cynical comedians have a ball with that one? Me, I’ll stay away from the communication, and wonder why aisles are being widened for women?
I’ve seen some pretty big men, but is Best Buy saying there are more wider butts with the customers they are concentrating on now?
If they are, they better be ready for some lawsuits. Surely, someone’s going to take exception to Best Buy’s inference. This cannot go unchallenged in court.

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