‘Tis August; time to buy gifts for your favorite Leo

There’s a wide variety of stuff in The Old Farmer’s Almanac for we Leos. Like:
Upon her throne queen August lies
With languor in her dreamful eyes
-Samuel Minturn Peck
Leo is, of course, a northern constellation east of Cancer: the fifth star in the zodiac.
Here’s what The Almanac predicts for weather:
For the first five days: Too cool for the pool.
Sixth through 17th: Rainouts come rarely, then beaches are covered with bathers (some barely).
18th through 28th: Golfers scatter when dark clouds gather, seeking shelter while they swelter.
And, the last three days: Damper for campers.
On August 2, 1939, Einstein wrote to Pres FDR about the possibility of an atomic bomb.
August 3rd is when grey squirrels have their second litter.
Dog days end August 11.
Cat nights commence August 17.
Hoax about life on the Moon printed in The New York Sun, 1835.
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The Almanac has these observations for Leos:
Let not thy tongue run away with thy brains.
Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down.
August sunshine and bright nights ripen the grapes.
Go abroad and you’ll hear news from home.
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There’s a too-long story about the pea, shortened here for a good reason. ‘Their vines have died, dried and turned the color of hay. Was there ever a more contemptible plant than a Pea? This is the vegetable version of a consumptive poet: pale, languid, exhausted. The dried pea looks like something you’d find at the bottom of your aunts? handbag.?
I sneaked a peek ahead and got this offering for September:
‘An apple pie without some cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze.? Works for me.
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Weathercaster Chuck Gaidica’s forecast in the Free Press July 1: ‘Upper Peninsula: Partly cloudy with highs in the mid-60s. Chance of rain showers around daybreak tonight and partly cloudy.?
Song title: ‘My boyfriend reminds me of a baseball player. He’s always standing around rearranging his assets.?
Does anyone seek a second medical opinion after their doctor tells them their tests are negative?
The makers of Titlest golf balls boast that their balls are the most used by golfers. No, no. The most used golf balls are ‘found? golf balls.
If Sax Fifth Avenue was marketing their dresses in Pakistan, would it be smart of them to rename their company Sacks? In the U.S., dress makers work to get the prettiest, slimmest models. In Pakistan, neither matter, so everyone can compete for a trip down the fashion runway.
As more and more workers leave Michigan for work in other states, the opportunity for employment grows for those wanting to stay here and work. In time, then, the unemployment figure will be lower. With that optimistic survey our Gov. Jennifer and the legislature can boast of that achievement. And, I’m sure they will.
Ever consider what our dogs must think of us? I mean, here we come back from the grocery store with the most amazing haul–chicken, pork and half a cow. Our dogs must think we are the greatest hunters on earth.
The Closer (and not the tv show); Corporation: An ingenious device for obtaining profit without individual responsibility.

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