Thoughts on ‘news? and generational listing

Two weeks ago I told you the Number One reason for getting up in the morning was to ‘hear the news.? The other Saturday had two ‘momentous? news leads.
#1. Flint’s contaminated drinking water has become national news condemning all possible people for allowing this to continue.
#2. The news brought Michael Moore to town to add his thoughts, which caused considerable anxiousness.
I cannot leave this without a quote from film maker Michael Moore during his presence Saturday, ‘they would never do this in West Bloomfield, Ann Arbor or Farmington Hills.?
Moore also called it a ‘racial and poverty? crises.
That’s about all I garnered from this ego-centered individual.
(We also welcomed Hillary who said ?. . . there is no excuse for the crisis.?)
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Why not aim complexion medicine at men. We might want to look younger for a few more years. Oh well! Maybe not.
The often advertised Eliquis may cause bleeding in some people. They do urge you to call your doctor first. Eliquis must be for the affluent.
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In all my years of writing and reporting, I’ve never been exposed to the List of Generations Chart.
You probably know some of the chart names, Greatest Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z.
The Greatest Generation has two parts: G.I. 1901-1924 – Experienced WWII in adulthood. And the Silent Generation – 1925-1945. Experienced WWII in childhood and civil rights movement.
Baby Boomers – Boom Generation Hippie – 1946-1964 – Space exploration, first modern “counterculture”
Baby Boomers – Baby Busters – 1965 1980 – Experienced Vietnam War and Cold War.
Generation X -MTV/Generation Boomerang Generation – 1975-1985. Rise of mass media and end of cold war
Generation Y – Echo Boom – 1978-1990 – Rise of the information age, internet, war on terror, Iraq War, rising gas and food prices.
Generation Z – New Silent Generation – 1995-2007 Rise of the information age, internet, dot com bubble, digital globalization.

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