This holiday season let your light shine

It’s almost Christmas and as we celebrate Christ’s birth let us remember the light of the world was born on that day.
But the excitement doesn’t end there! Nope, we are given additional days before the year ends to contemplate the birth of the Christ child and what it can mean in our lives. Hopefully, you know that the same light that was born in the Christ child exists within you.
You have potential for greater things also – so let your light shine!
As 2022 comes to a close we have a great opportunity to see how our light is doing. I encourage you to look at your life. As you leave behind the old year are there any changes you want to make? We can choose to change ourselves at any time but the New Year is always a new start and the perfect time for change.
Through my columns, I often remind you; what you think about, you bring about. And, I have no doubt that by now you know your thoughts have created your life. Knowing this, I encourage you to think good thoughts. Be sure in 2023 you uplift your life and the lives of those around you by choosing the positive side of life.
It’s easy! While you are enjoying the holidays, I’m going to ask you to extend some good to yourself by thinking positive thoughts only. Listen to the words you think or say about yourself and others. When you use the negative side of thoughts or a negative word – reframe it! Verbally restate it by saying something positive.
Positive holiday examples:
M – My body is out of shape! Reframe: My body responds wonderfully to the healthy food, exercise and good sleep I get. I am getting better and better every day!
E – Every area of my life is a disaster! Reframe: Everything I do increases my awareness and creates good in my life. I am wise!
R – A raise in pay never comes to me! Reframe: My employer sees the good I do every day and I am happy with my pay! (Be sure to see yourself content so your pay works up to your vision.)
R – I don’t like to drive on roads with a roundabout! Reframe: After learning how to use a roundabout, I see it’s easier and safer than I thought!
Y – Looking in the mirror you tell yourself; YOU, look awful! Reframe: Again, looking in the mirror; YOU, look beautiful today, I love you!
C – The cost of gas is so high! Reframe: I am grateful that bombs are not going off in my country and I can put gas in my car!
H – It’s probably too late for me, I will probably end up in hell! Reframe: I can choose every day if I want to live in heaven or hell. I make the best choices for me; I live the Truth I know, I care about and help others, I choose wisely!
R – These kids don’t do anything right! Reframe: I take the right actions in my life and lead by my example!
I – In my world everything goes wrong! Reframe: I have the wisdom to right the wrongs in my world. I take responsibility for myself and my actions. I make good choices and my world keeps getting better and better!
S – Some people are so strange, some people! Reframe: We are all children of God. I greet everyone with kind words and bless them with the freedom to be who they need to be!
T – Tomorrow I will begin a diet, tomorrow I will exercise, tomorrow… Reframe: I am responsible. I will take care of my body today without hesitation!
M – I will be happy when I make more money! Reframe: Happiness is an inside job! I am happy with my life and my happiness draws abundance to me like a money magnet!
A – All I know is that things never work out the way I planned! Reframe: I never worry if things don’t go as planned. I know God’s got this! All is always in divine order!
S – We get so much snow; I just wish it wouldn’t snow so much. Reframe: Divine Order has a plan! Nature needs snow which can melt slowly and with gravity flow down to the states below us. This means no droughts in the South!
It is my prayer that you take these thoughts into your consciousness. If they feel right to you, let them support you in manifesting your new way of being. Use them with family and friends over the holidays.
Catch yourself when you say a negative comment and reframe it. Let your positive light shine!
It’s simple and in a short time you see how your new thoughts have brought about changes in your life. It doesn’t stop there though, because you’ve changed, now other’s change in response to your light. Imagine that and it’s been there inside you all along. Enjoy!
Merry Christmas and blessings on your new thoughts,
Linda La Croix
To find more of Linda’s uplifting insights, visit her Facebook page, A Spiritual Walk, or her website,

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