Things that matter and thoughts to ponder

I was roasted April 12 to the extent the meat thermometer stuck into me, burst its bulb, and my skin turned a dark shade of crust.
I felt a deep concern for the people who orally expressed cruelty toward me that would make a water-boarder envious. Following each stabbing there was laughing approval for both the stabber and the blade.
The cutting comments gave hope to a funeral director in the crowd that he would see me soon on his table.
Many of the obnoxious offerers are still in the psych ward in a veterinary hospital.
Several in attendance wanted to see my innards strewn across the Boulder Pointe Golf and Banquet Center. Oh, yeah, thank you for coming.
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Being conservative, it is almost certain I would be drawn to Fox News Network. As the network began featuring more Charles Krauthammer opinions, I became more attached.
My interest grew rather rapidly, as I read of his determination, following a diving board accident while attending medical school. The accident hospitalized him for 14 months. Paralyzed him for life. I should say, paralyzed the lower half of his body. His spirit, soul and mind are quite active. After the hospital, he stayed in school, sometimes attending classes in bed.
He was graduated with his Medical Degree from Harvard in 1975. From then to 1978 he was chief resident in psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Unless you knew of his physical limitations, during his television appearances you would never know he’s sitting in a wheel chair.
In 1983, he began writing articles for various publications. His weekly column is now carried by over 400 newspapers.
With such an interest in him, I asked daughter Luan to get me a copy of his new book, “Things That Matter, Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes and Politics.”
His writings are not for scanners like me. I have to really read his stuff, but I seem to get more out of his conservative wording than other stuff I’ve been exposed to.
I can’t fly past phraseology like, “intellectually untenable,” “necessity trumps aesthetics,” and “monoclonal immigration.?
The words in his living will, however, are very practical and made me smile: “I’ve had some good innings, thank you. If I have so much as a hangnail, pull the plug.”
He’s leaving everything to his family to decide.
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Krauthammer is a fan of H.L. Mencken writings, like: “A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant and the crazy crazier.”
And, “It is even harder for the average ape to believe he has descended from man.”
And, “I believe that all government is evil and that trying to improve it is a waste of time.
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Thoughts to ponder.
? The greatest need — Common Sense
? The greatest puzzle — Life.
? The most dangerous person — The Liar.
? The greatest mistake — Giving Up
? The greatest stumbling block — Egotism
? The most expensive indulgence — Hate
? The greatest thing, bar none, in the world ? Love

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