There were prejudices, there will always be such

Because I’ve always rooted for the American League in All-Star and league championship baseball games I’m prejudiced.
And I see nothing to be gained by having the leagues play each other during the summer. The Pittsburgh Pirates were in Comerica Park recently to play the Detroit Tigers.
Some friends bought tickets to see the Tigers play a month ago, never thinking a National League team would be the opponent. They went because they love the Tigers, and they had spent their money, but they wished another American League team was playing.
This arrangement came out of league headquarters some years ago. More recently, the league management decided it was a good idea to recognize the old Negro League. The Tigers celebrated that with a game last week. But, how do you think that made Cabrera, Rodriquez, Hernandez, etc. feel? The leagues better come up with more recognition games.
There probably is money in it. Money is behind everything, isn’t it?
Or, are these social movements to keep an equality? Or, is it a political statement showing fairness and love?
Or, is it just one of the continuing moves to try to eliminate prejudice?
Don’t show any bias. Keep in the middle of the road. Be noncommittal. Act like Jello. Be bland.
You will probably never be as happy as when you spoke out against a politician, car company, the media, a tv show, worms, spiders and other creepy things in government.
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This is what comes to mind sometimes when I’m being asked for donations. A recent 10-year study of 13,000 phone users by 21 researchers organized by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) proved inconclusive.
However, since no conclusion was reached more money is needed for more research. The 2000 to 2010 study reported no definite links between cellphones and cancer.
I’m sure the IARC leaders will find more money to continue the study, because, dam’it, there just has to be a link!
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? The business executive told his wife he was going to remodel his office. He didn’t tell his wife he was hiring five new blonde secretaries.
? Two peanuts were walking down the street — one was assaulted.
? It’s a small world — unless you have to walk home.
? Do cannibals get hungry after eating a Chinaman?
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Last Thursday, the Senate continued their political grandstanding by trying to belittle British Petroleum leaders before multiple cameras.
First to push his ego and try to humiliate BP was Sen. Henry Waxman of California. He said he had read the 30,000 page report on the investigation of the oil spill in the Gulf.
He has time to read those 30,000 pages, but the Senators didn’t have time to read the 1,200 page health bill before voting its passage.
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Last summer ma’dog Shayna couldn’t get enough pan fried sliced zucchini. I bought a little extra last week so she’d have her fill.
She ate one little slice, turned her face away from me and strode into the family room, displaying her rejection.

Because I’ve always rooted for the American League in All-Star and league championship baseball games, I’m prejudiced.
And I see nothing to be gained by having the leagues play each other during the summer. The Pittsburgh Pirates were in Comerica Park recently to play the Detroit Tigers.
Some friends bought tickets to see the Tigers play a month ago, never thinking a National League team would be the opponent. They went because they love the Tigers, and they had spent their money, but they wished another American League team was playing.
This arrangement came out of league headquarters some years ago. More recently, the league management decided it was a good idea to recognize the old Negro League. The Tigers celebrated that with a game last week. But, how do you think that made Cabrera, Rodriquez, Hernandez, etc. feel? The leagues better come up with more recognition games.
There probably is money in it. Money is behind everything, isn’t it?
Or, are these social movements to keep an equality? Or, is it a political statement showing fairness and love?
Or, is it just one of the continuing moves to try to eliminate prejudice?
Don’t show any bias. Keep in the middle of the road. Be noncommittal. Act like Jell-O. Be bland.
You will probably never be as happy as when you spoke out against a politician, car company, the media, a tv show, worms, spiders and other creepy things in government.
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This is what comes to mind sometimes when I’m being asked for donations. A recent 10-year study of 13,000 phone users by 21 researchers organized by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) proved inconclusive.
However, since no conclusion was reached more money is needed for more research. The 2000 to 2010 study reported no definite links between cellphones and cancer.
I’m sure the IARC leaders will find more money to continue the study, because, dammit, there just has to be a link!
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? The business executive told his wife he was going to remodel his office. He didn’t tell his wife he was hiring five new blonde secretaries.
? Two peanuts were walking down the street ? one was assaulted.
? It’s a small world ? unless you have to walk home.
? Do cannibals get hungry after eating a Chinaman?
– – – 0 – – –
Last Thursday, the Senate continued their political grandstanding by trying to belittle British Petroleum leaders before multiple cameras.
First to push his ego and try to humiliate BP was Sen. Henry Waxman of California. He said he had read the 30,000 page report on the investigation of the oil spill in the Gulf.
He has time to read those 30,000 pages, but the Senators didn’t have time to read the 1,200 page health bill before voting its passage.
– – – 0 – – –
Last summer ma’dog Shayna couldn’t get enough pan fried sliced zucchini. I bought a little extra last week so she’d have her fill.
She ate one little slice, turned her face away from me and strode into the family room, displaying her rejection.

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