The twins, 5, needed a sitter, Mommy called me

I had several hours to think of a reason I couldn’t take care of Haley and Trevor, even for only an hour. Thoughts of the reaction my wife would have had toward me if I didn’t take the challenge erased all excuses.
I’d seen them the day before when they wanted to ride my feet and ‘come upstairs and find us.? Haley ‘hid? behind a slatted chair, Trevor was wiggling under a blanket. Hiding they weren’t.
That day she greeted me with smiles, he stuck out his tongue.
On the ‘sitting? day both were sitting on the family room floor, playing so nice when I arrived. They had 14,000 dinosaur-era figurines about the size of my small finger, plus a mountain and cavemen.
Just before Susan left for a dental appointment, she said she scheduled a tv repairman for the same time. A proper prior planner she isn’t. I also asked her where the paddles and handcuffs were, but got no response.
Within 10 minutes after I got there, Trevor had taken off all his clothes except his briefs, and added a small blanket around his waist. Then he tucked the ends into the front of his shorts making him look very manly.
When I asked what he was he showed me a caveman, and so help me, that’s what Trevor looked like minus the abs and hair.
Mimicking Haley came down the stairs also minus all but one piece of clothing. She laid on the floor ‘sunbathing.?
Trevor is a nuts over this caveman stuff. He brought out a hatchet and promptly announced he was cutting off my feet. From there he cut off my arms, head and glasses. Haley joined in with another sword and we three dueled several minutes.
I wish I knew the tv repair man’s secret. He told the duo to stay back and they did.
After a cheese snack and Trevor locking the refrigerator (in his mind) Trevor challenged me to something called Nintendo. I knew Nintendo was a game, but that’s it.
Haley offered to show me. On my lap with some U-shaped gadget, Haley offered heroes, transportation (buggies, cars, etc) and a second figure. They had a dozen choices of each, and they had a dozen games to play with them.
I have no idea what was going on as she wiggled a handle, punched buttons and turned another knob. The transportation raced toward some goal, I’m sure, because every once in a while Trevor would say, ‘I won!?
When the repairman came I suggested the kids get dressed, which they did, though I think they would have played Nintendo naked.
Susan came home and saved me from displaying further ignorance. As we chatted the twins disappeared, only to re-appear nearly naked again. Someone should put a stopwatch on these kids? dressing-undressing times. Guinness needs more records.
I don’t remember our kids going through a naked period. I do remember Hazel admiring bare bottoms, and my averting my eyes.
Twins are not prevalent in our family, thus I have nothing to judge by. Trevor and Haley play well together, though she can play alone and often does. He seems to be among others.
She’s taller, which I’m told is normal for girls to grow faster than boys, but he can out-run her. She smiles a lot more than he, but he isn’t pouty.
And, every once in a while they want a hug, which isn’t normal for me, but I love it when they show this emotion.

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