Taking a breather

The comprehensive development plan written for the Sashabaw Road corridor has been shelved.
The Independence Township Board voted unanimously Tuesday to table the first reading of the new Sashabaw development plan.
The program, which calls for 11 infrastructure-improvement projects, was developed by the recently created Sashabaw Road Corridor Improvement Authority. It would be funded through Tax Increment Financing, which would set aside revenues added to the tax rolls because of the improvements, to pay for those improvements.
Reasons for the delay center mostly on questions about Oakland County’s participation in the program. If the county does not contribute its tax-revenue increases back into the projects, the township has little reason to go forward with the plan, said Trustee Daniel Travis.
‘It would be robbing Peter to pay Paul,? Travis said.
Infrastructure improvements should be funded by private corporations that would directly benefit from them, he said.
These could include the Michigan Department of Transportation, Pine Knob, the proposed McLaren Health Village, Orco, and Beaumont developers.
‘The only economic growth we have in this area is on Sashabaw Road,? he said. ‘I’m not ready to move ahead.?
The township needs more time to evaluate the plan and determine what’s best for the township, he said.
The CIA issue is directly related to the township’s problems with a deficit budget, said Trustee Daniel Kelly.
‘Our expenses exceed our revenues,? Kelly said. ‘I don’t think we should go forward tonight.?
Under the TIF plan, increases in revenue generated by the Sashabaw Road development would be funneled back into that area, even if they are needed elsewhere, he said.
‘That’s not appropriate,? he said. .
The board also still has to hear from all its departments on the impact the proposed development projects would have on them, he said.
During the public hearing, continued from Nov. 21, township resident Neil Wallac said the township board should control development on a case-by-case basis, as it has in the past.
‘I don’t see the need for speed here,? Wallace said. ‘The big question now is, does Independence Township need to provide economic stimulus to the Sashabaw Road corridor??
The area will develop on its own. If it is developed to quickly under the CIA plan, it could lead to tax increases as pressure increases on township emergency services. The tax increases could also be challenged in court, he said.
Township resident Mike Clark disagreed, saying the plan should move forward.
‘I’d like to see this proceed,? Clark said. ‘We need the jobs, the people, and the help to the economy.?
Developing the infrastructure now would help prevent traffic problems later, when the area becomes fully developed, he said.
Also, it could help convince McLaren to move forward with its plan for a health park on Sashabaw.
‘McLaren is the best thing that could happen to the township,? he said. ‘We need to do everything we can to get them in here.?
Speaking at the Nov. 21 regular meeting, County Commissioner Tom Middleton said the county’s main priority was the creation of jobs. The county would probably only support projects in the plan that would accomplish that.
Planning consultant Richard Carlisle told the board Tuesday that the plan can be adjusted to accommodate the county’s requirement.
Projects that would meet the county’s requirement includes the Sashabaw bridge expansion over I-75, landscaping, burying overhead power lines, and strategic land acquisitions. That would reduce the scale of the plan from about $38 million to about $26 million, Carlisle said.
Forrest Milzow, chairman of the CIA Board, said the CIA created a list of projects that is comprehensive. It could be scaled back to adjust for the budget and county input.
The township board will have an opportunity to reopen the CIA development plan for discussion and decision at its next meeting, set for Dec. 19. Call 248-625-5111 for more information.

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