Students honored for Optimism

Clarkston Area Optimists honored two students with their Optimist Student of the Month awards ? Isabela Holloway, fifth grader at Andersonville Elementary, and Camryn Dahlerup, fifth grader at Pine Knob Elementary.
“It was a pretty easy selection ? she’s the student I immediately thought of,” said Holloway’s principal, Bruce Martin.
She is active in athletics, academics, shows humility and kindness, helps kindergartners get on the right buses, and helps children with special needs during lunch and recess in the school’s Kids Connection program. She also skates competitively.
“But she always completes all her work, and goes above and beyond what she needs to do,” Martin said. “She reaches out to her peers ? she’s the perfect candidate to receive the award.”
“I just enjoy doing it,” Holloway said. “I really enjoy Kids Connection and helping the kindergartners.”
Pine Knob Elementary Principal Jodi Yeloushan and Stacey Albani, fifth grade teacher, presented Dahlerup with her award.
‘She walks into class everyday with a smile ? her classmates describe her as everyone’s friend,? Albani said. “She’s a role model.”
Dahlerup is student council vice president, organizes Go Green and stop-bullying efforts, and with the Girl Scouts helps organize donations for the homeless.
“I want to help make the school better, so that after we leave, people will look at it and say it’s a better school,” Dahlerup said.

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