Special assessments should apply to businesses as well

The village manager is suggesting the implementation of a Special Assessment District (SAD) system to solve the financial woes of the village. This concept is based on a user or benefactor paying for their share of the service or asset.
I’d like to suggest that this philosophy could and should apply to the business district. Want parking, get a SAD. Want garbage receptacles, get a SAD.
To my knowledge, there aren’t restrictions for the creation of SADs, just that the majority of the people in the district must agree to the SAD and its terms.
Harry Stephen
Lake Orion

One response to “Special assessments should apply to businesses as well”

  1. @Harry, you got that right, the DDA was created in 85 for the DOWNTOWN AREA of the VILLAGE to “HELP” it IMPROVE it BEING, but at a 1/2m $ a year from the resident tax base with NO explanation as to how that monies are used from the DDA that adds up to BIG PILE of nickles from 1985 to 2023 for the down town area while the resident are PAYING the tab for this the Village residents OUTSIDE the DDA’S AREA (by the way, WHAT IS the DDA’S area, ?? incompass have less MONIES for THEIR needed IMPROVEMENTS and REHABS and the answer for the PROBLEM from Village manager is get a SAD (there a lot of useage for those three letters) as Harries examples suggest

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