Silent Savannah got ‘Granpa? real good

The seventh birthday was looming for our twins, which means it was time to take my twins? shopping advisor to a store or two.
The ‘advisor? is Trevor and Haley’s 10-year-old sister, Savannah.
First a little background (boasting) about Savannah. She’s a reader, having read all six of the Harry Potter books at least twice. She took the third book with her on our trip.
She’s also active. She made a 12 x 16 picture out of seeds that won best-in-show at the State Fair and a prize at the Oakland County 4-H Fair. Also, her decorated cake won a first place ribbon at the State Fair.
She’s trying to get all the Girl Scout badges available for her age in one year.
She’s a swimmer, computer gamer and she’s quiet (very quiet) around me. Once in a while I can get grin out of her, but she stubbornly refuses to believe I’m in her presence.
So, we go shopping. She sits silently in the back seat while I pick a store for computer software, which she says the twins want. I don’t want to go far with this silence, so I try the nearby Kmart.
They haven’t stocked them in over two years. Radio Shack was also a ‘no,? but they were good enough to suggest Circuit City or Best Buy. Best Buy is closest, but still a long way to try to stimulate a conversation with Miss Stony.
I looked around as we entered Best Buy and spotted a sign that I read, ‘Geek Salad,? which I said aloud. Savannah actually spoke, ‘That’s Geek Squad!?
The right software wasn’t there, but Savannah suggested Target. She’d been there the day before and saw the right games. Why didn’t she say so when we left home? She said, ‘You said you didn’t want to go this far.?
Whenever I take Savannah it’s shop first, then Arby’s. Now we’re seated at the restaurant, so it’s time to talk. I complimented her on her reading, saying, ‘That’s good. You have to read a lot before you can learn to write.?
About this time I read another sign wrong, which she corrected me on, then added, ‘You’re probably not a good writer.?
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Save Pluto, take Uranus
So, tell me again why Pluto was removed from the planetary list. No, never mind. As long as we have the dog, we don’t need the planet. Of course, the dog made it easy for our tykes to remember at least one celestial thing.
Ya? gotta love the people who can react so quickly to almost any happening to make a buck.
Especially t-shirt and bumper sticker makers.
Within a few hours after Pluto was demoted in celestial importance, t-shirts were available that read, ‘Save Pluto, Take Uranus,? ‘Pluto was framed,? and ‘I miss Pluto.?
A little later you (not me) could buy Pluto paperweights, abstract art of the planet and a songs by the B-52s, ‘Hallucinating Pluto? and Christine Lavin’s ‘Planet X.?
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Women biker numbers
Guess how many women motorcycle owners there are in the United States — 635,000.
56.7 percent of them are married.
18 percent of American motorcycle operators are women.
28 percent of women motorcyclists have a college or post graduate degree.
35 percent of women motorcyclists hold a technical/professional job.
The median age of women motorcyclists is 42, up from 33 in 1998.
33.3 percent of students who took Motorcycle Safety Foundation riding courses last year were women.
I wonder if any of these women motorcyclists refer to their machines as hogs!

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