School election in May

The most confused people in this year’s school election might be the voters.
Last year, Lake Orion School Board members decided to hold their election on May 3, six weeks earlier than in the past. This change was due to a new state law that required a limit on how many elections could take place during the year.
Twenty seven out of 28 school districts opted for a May election.
In the past, school districts have conducted their own elections. Now, according to LO School Superintendent Dr. Craig Younkman, Oakland County is running the election. In this area, Orion Township will be doing the election process itself.
‘We’ll be getting a bill from both the county and the township, ‘Dr. Craig Younkman said.
Anyone who wants to be a candidate for the school board must pick up a petition at the township hall. Once filled, it must be returned to county offices. Then the county sends the petition back to the township for verification checks.
Candidates who have children in Orion’s school district, but live in another area can pick up a nominating petition at any township hall.
Current board members whose terms are ending are Jim Weidman and Bill Walters, who was appointed to fill Lori Penman’s seat.
Registered voters going to the polls will fill a full term (2009) and a partial term (2006).
County officials have also asked school districts to use the municipal polling places rather than the school districts?.
Dr. Younkman said he left a meeting at the county last week with more questions than answers.
According to Orion Township Clerk Jill Bastian, polling cards indicating correct precincts will be sent out before the election.
The deadline for returning nominating petitions is Feb. 8 at 4 p.m.

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