School board adopts strategic plan’s 11 goals

At their regular meeting March 25, the Oxford Board of Education approved implementing the district’s first Strategic Plan 5-0.
The plan entails how administration, staff and community members will strive over the next five years to fulfill specific goals created by an 80-member committee last month.
‘On behalf of the board, I want to echo everyone’s sentiments and thank you for all your time, your talent, your energy,? said board president Colleen Schultz to an audience packed with committee members. ‘It was a wonderful experience and I’m really proud of all your work.?
The Oxford Area Community School’s Strategic Planning Goals are as follows:
n To graduate students who are prepared for ever-changing global opportunities and who embody our core beliefs as evidenced by the Oxford Student Profile.
n To maximize student achievement through a globally relevant curriculum, that promotes excellence in academics, fine arts and athletics.
Teacher Jim Gibbons, who worked with the student achievement group, said this goal was to align with the board’s view that all three of those skills are of equal importance.
‘We wanted to make sure we incorporated that into our goal,? he said.
n To create a model global learning community.
n To create an organizational structure that supports meaningful, effective and efficient curriculum changes in instructional practices.
n To develop a seamless, research-based curriculum and instructional practices that will inspire and engage all students to achieve their maximum potential.
n To establish and maintain developmentally appropriate learning communities to meet the needs of all students.
n To create effective and authentic communication of student achievement.
nTo have facilities of excellence, incorporating the elements of a secure, celebrated entrance that leads to evolving worlds of learning.
n To attract and retain highly innovative, dynamic, dedicated and skilled staff.
Coach Bud Rowley stressed the importance of this goal to the crowd.
‘You’ve gotta come here every day wanting to be here and be excited about being in Oxford and working her with the kids,? he said.
n To create a school community that builds a foundation of selfless global leaders where administrators serve teachers, teachers serve students and students serve the world through academic, athletic and artistic excellence.
n To embrace the community while working together to achieve common goals and plan future endeavors.
Community involvement during the planning process was important, especially to Christine Stephens, an attorney at Stephens and Moore, PLLC.
‘There’s a lot more I have to offer rather than writing a check to your organizations,? she said. ‘I am willing to offer my time and talent and to come and talk to your students.?
Superintendent Dr. Bill Skilling said an annual review of how the strategic plan is working will be made public on the district’s website.
‘That’s so the community can keep us accountable to what we’re doing,? he said.
Like Schultz, Skilling commended the Strategic Planning Committee members for what they’ve accomplished.
‘I’m even more excited now as a parent, knowing what my kids are gonna get over the course of the next several years, as well as a superintendent,? he said, noting he has children in all school levels in Oxford.

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