The largest and most powerful ice storm hit the tri-county area recently and fortunately Lake Orion was spared the grief and misfortune.
It could be luck but we think that it had something to do with good management of the power system and having periodic check ups to assure that all is in readiness for weather and storms.
Over the last couple of years we have noticed that trees in the community have been trimmed so as not to interfere with power lines. And the Lake Orion management has worked relentlessly with DTE to make sure that we are prepared for weather emergencies.
As such, there have been no long power outages in our community.
Several communities around Lake Orion were without power so we conclude that we are doing something here that minimizes an adverse impact on the power system.
So kudos and plaudits to the Orion Township management and the utilities for keeping us with power – thank you!
Bill and Mary Kalmar
Lake Orion
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