Releasing and letting go for the New Year!

Here we are at the end of December, which tells us that the year 2018 is soon coming to a close. As always, our thoughts begin to look back over the past year. It’s a time when people like to check in with how their thoughts and actions over the past 12 months may have changed their lives.

It is always interesting to see if, over that time, we have become happier in our lives, with ourselves or with others in our lives.

As we question how we did in 2018, our internal thought process begins to check in with itself to see what we might like to change or manifest in the New Year.

The close of any year is a time when we think over these thoughts the most. You have probably already begun this process, but did you write anything down? It is always good to write your thoughts down and then go back at the end of the year and see how your life coincides with your notes. Do you have any life changes you’re thinking about making? Are you setting any personal goals?

Whatever is in your consciousness to manifest is sure to be the right thing for you!

In some of my previous columns I have written about releasing, letting go and making room for the new. You can do this at anytime of the year, but now is an especially good time to put the process to good use. This activity is very important and represents a symbolic way that you can combine your conscious thoughts with your physical presence to create new pathways for yourself.

First, you become willing to release something in your life that is no longer serving your greatest good. Second, you consciously let it go and, thirdly, you write a letter to God which tells what goodness you are inviting into your life for the next year.

This activity is so important to our consciousness that our spiritual center hosts a sacred Burning Bowl Service every New Year’s Eve.

A sacred service is unusual at Unity Centers. In fact, in Unity-A Quest for Truth by Unity minister Eric Butterworth, (which is an awesome book) he talks about how Unity has taken the rituals out of our services. There is no creed or confessional, no formal communion, no sacraments or Christian symbols. We practice that God lives and moves and has His being through us. Therefore, you are always face to face with God and yourself. No minister or “one” acts as a go-between us and God; they simply give us the Word and we choose our path. It’s not easy; your actions are visible because it is just you and God. There is nothing and no one to hide behind, no one to blame.

For a spiritual seeker, your path is meditation, prayer, studying and applying this truth. We learn that we are the ones responsible for our actions. We practice that God works through us as us, but only as we allow this and only as we choose to let the practice flow through us. The responsibility is ours and a result of our own thinking.

Knowing these thoughts about personal responsibility to God makes it all the more important to me to share God’s good word and work with others during our sacred service at 6 p.m. on New Year’s Eve.

This year, join us or begin your New Year with your own releasing and letting go of thoughts. Write them down on a piece of paper and, once written, tear them up and throw them away.

Then write down the new You that you want to see come into your life. Put it on a piece of paper. Fold it up and then attach it to your December 2019 calendar. Next year at this time look at your folded paper and see if what you had written came to fruition in your life.

1 Corinthians 12:6 -7;(NIV) – “There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.”

Many blessings in manifesting greater ways of being in 2019,

Linda La Croix

Linda La Croix is Prayer Chaplain & Board President at Unity of Lake Orion.

See Her Facebook page, A Spiritual Walk, for more uplifting posts.


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