Open for discussion

A proposed communications policy isn’t clear to some Clarkston School Board members.
“This seems like it says we can’t speak to media at all,” said Vice President Susan Boatman about one provision in the Recommended Procedures for Board Communications, June 8. “Any individual board member speaking as an individual should be able to talk to the media. I think it should up to the board member, if they want to respond to that.”
Boatman was concerned with provision E4, which states “A board member who receives a call from the media for comment on board business or a board decision shall refer the reporter to the board president or superintendent as the official spokespeople for the board and district.”
Board Secretary Craig Hamilton said section I, “appropriate communication topics for individual board members,” also seems too restrictive.
“It struck me the wrong way ? it seems like censorship a little bit,” Hamilton said. “It almost seems like it’s trying to limit what we can say.”
The section says board members “have a responsibility to support decisions of the board and shall avoid speaking out against a decision of the
board,” and should avoid speculating how the board could vote on a future issue.
It also says “board members and the superintendent may speak with the media, the community and legislators; providing they clarify they are speaking as individuals rather than as authorized representatives of the board when offering opinions on educational, legislative or community issues for which the board has not taken an official position.”
This seems to contradict section E, Hamilton said.
“I have no problem with not speaking for the board,” he said. “As an individual, I feel it’s my right to express my opinion if I feel that need. I’d like that clarification.”
The procedures, creation of which was a board goal for this year, are not meant to hinder individual trustee’s response to questions from the media on how they vote, said Trustee Kelli Horst.
“Make clear it’s your individual opinion,” said Horst, chair of the communications committee, which also includes trustees Elizabeth Egan and Greg Need, Superintendent Dr. Rod Rock, and Heidi McClain, administrative assistant. “The intent is when we vote as a board, one person is authorized to speak to the vote, and that is the president ? (but) in no way are we saying you can’t speak to the press.”
The proposal also includes a provision against “communicating with each other or using social media during board meetings.”
Last year, school attorney George P. Butler issued a legal opinion recommending Board of Education members not post to social media about board business. Egan, board President Steve Hyer, who was a trustee at the time, and Trustee Cheryl McGinnis were found to have done so at a previous meeting (“Tweets continue,” May 21, 2014).
As board president, Hyer said the procedures are to ensure transparency.
“At this table, you can say anything you want ? that is the place for that,” he said. “We operate 100 percent in public, in the open ? we should not be debating outside this table.”
The recommendations were approved 7-0. The committee will reconcile the recommendations with existing board bylaws and policies and bring back the remainder for approval, Horst said.
“We’ll work on the language a little bit,” she said.
Policy changes will be submitted to the board for approval at a future meeting, probably June 22, she said.

Recommended procedures

The Clarkston School Board recommended a nine-part Procedures for Board Communications, including:
A. Communicating During Board Meetings ? use formal names and titles, direct all comments and questions to president;
B. Requesting Information About Meeting Agenda Items ? superintendent provides information to board members 72 hours in advance of meetings, deadlines for board-member question submission;
C. Requesting Information Not Related To Meeting Agendas ? submit in writing. If superintendent determine request requires significant staff time, board president will place the request on an upcoming meeting agenda
D. Communicating Among Trustees Between Meetings ? weekly board update from superintendent; board president can canvass individual board members for support or perspective on board issues;
E. Communicating Using Traditional and Social Media ? board president is board spokesperson to the media, superintendent is district spokesperson to the media, board member who receives call from the media for comment on board business or a board decision refers reporter to the board president or superintendent, board members refrain from deliberating via electronic or social media, refrain from communicating with each other or using social media during board meetings;
F. Communicating with the Community, participate in community activities as liaisons between public and school district, while following guidelines;
G. Responding to Community or Employee Feedback and Complaints ? board members who receive complaints from community members or employees will listen respectfully and empathetically, but make no attempt to respond to the concern or ‘solve? the problem, and refer complainant to the board president if regarding a board decision, or ‘chain of command? within the district;
H. Communicating With Legislators ? approved resolutions are the board’s official position on legislative issues and are treated as any board action, invitations for legislators to visit the district or its schools coordinated with the superintendent.
I. Appropriate Communication Topics for Individual Board Members ? support decisions of the board, avoid speaking out against board decisions, clarify speaking as individuals when talking to media on educational, legislative, or community issues.

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