Money’s there for techno i-anything gadgets

Our economy is in the toilet!
Soup lines are longer than in 1933!
Everyone is losing their homes, cars and jobs!
There’s no money left for bread and milk!
What a bunch of hooey!
Apple brought out a new gadget Friday, July 11th. People started lining up for the new iPhone the night before. Lines of people waiting to pay $190 for a communication gadget were miles long.
One million were sold the first three days.
The black ones were $190, and came only in 8 gigs, (whatever they are). The iPhones with 16 gigs come in both black and white, and cost $100 more.
It’s amazing, sometimes, American priorities. Or, is it just a reality that people DO have money? That with 94-percent of Americans working, there isn’t the slowdown, and there’s an exaggeration by some in the media.
In recent days, I’ve met two people who work for companies that have production workers on 10-hour, 7-day-a-week schedules. Both plants are in Auburn Hills.
I’ve been shown some of the functions of the iPhone, and I concluded I don’t have enough time left on earth to learn to use it.
Now, if it would help my golf game . . .
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I don’t think you’ll ever see this treat on a cooking show, or a magazine cover, but here’s a great meal. Bake a Cornish game hen in a pan until nearly done. Put in an Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice, 90-second, 4-cheese rice package in the microwave, then mix it with the juices of the hen. Dee-lightful!
Enjoy, and remember you enjoyed it here, first.
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Oh, to be 40 again, and in this fast-food, carry-out, kiosk business world. I’d be a millionaire in a New York minute.
I’d start with a cart in local activities, expand to malls, then boom, I’d be on my franchising way. What with, you ask?
Fried bologna sandwiches.
Fried plain bologna, garlic bologna, pickled bologna on buns or breads. With that fried bologna aroma floating on the breezes, it’s a natural senses pull. If the McDonalds (Ray Croc) and Col. Sanders could do it, so could I have.
? A therapist recommended two leg stretching exercises to relieve the pains behind my knees. Why do I find it so hard to find time to do these stretches, which take 120 seconds, but I have lots of time to watch multiple reruns of 60-minute CSI?
? We often see more through a tear, than through a telescope.
? Since seeing the report of Barack Obama arranging the seating behind him at speeches — one time there weren’t enough whites, another time two Muslim women were denied seating — I’ve wondered if there has always been a seating ‘arrangement,? or is this something racial?
? Is a coin laundry a place where they wash change?
? Why do people say they can see the handwriting on the wall when there is no trace of graffiti?
? A guy joined a health club last year, spent about 400 bucks. Hasn’t lost a poind. Apparently you have to go there.
? I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
? If you are going cross-country skiing, start with a small country.
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Consider our presidential candidates:
Obama: Another lawyer who is also married to a lawyer.
McCain: A war hero who is married to a busty blonde who owns a beer distributorship. I mean . . . is this a hard choice?

Our economy is in the toilet!
Soup lines are longer than in 1933!
Everyone is losing their homes, cars and jobs!
There’s no money left for bread and milk!
What a bunch of hooey!
Apple brought out a new gadget Friday, July 11th. People started lining up for the new iPhone the night before. Lines of people waiting to pay $190 for a communication gadget were miles long.
One million were sold the first three days.
The black ones were $190, and came only in 8 gigs, (whatever they are). The iPhones with 16 gigs come in both black and white, and cost $100 more.
It’s amazing, sometimes, American priorities. Or, is it just a reality that people do have money? That with 94-percent of Americans working, there isn’t the slowdown, and there’s an exaggeration by some in the media.
In recent days, I’ve met two people who work for companies that have production workers on 10-hour, 7-day-a-week schedules. Both plants are in Auburn Hills.
I’ve been shown some of the functions of the iPhone, and I concluded I don’t have enough time left on earth to learn to use it.
Now, if it would help my golf game…
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I don’t think you’ll ever see this treat on a cooking show, or a magazine cover, but here’s a great meal. Bake a Cornish game hen in a pan until nearly done. Put in an Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice, 90-second, 4-cheese rice package in the microwave, then mix it with the juices of the hen. Dee-lightful!
Enjoy, and remember you enjoyed it here, first.
– – – 0 – – –
Oh, to be 40 again, and in this fast-food, carry-out, kiosk business world. I’d be a millionaire in a New York minute.
I’d start with a cart in local activities, expand to malls, then boom, I’d be on my franchising way. What with, you ask?
Fried bologna sandwiches.
Fried plain bologna, garlic bologna, pickled bologna on buns or breads. With that fried bologna aroma floating on the breezes, it’s a natural senses pull. If the McDonalds (Ray Croc) and Col. Sanders could do it, so could I.
? A therapist recommended two leg stretching exercises to relieve the pains behind my knees. Why do I find it so hard to find time to do these stretches, which take 120 seconds, but I have lots of time to watch multiple reruns of 60-minute CSI?
? We often see more through a tear, than through a telescope.
? Since seeing the report of Barack Obama arranging the seating behind him at speeches — one time there weren’t enough whites, another time two Muslim women were denied seating — I’ve wondered if there has always been a seating ‘arrangement,? or is this something racial?
? Is a coin laundry a place where they wash change?
? Why do people say they can see the handwriting on the wall when there is no trace of graffiti?
? A guy joined a health club last year, spent about 400 bucks. Hasn’t lost a pound. Apparently you have to go there.
? I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
? If you are going cross-country skiing, start with a small country.
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Consider our presidential candidates:
Obama: Another lawyer who is also married to a lawyer.
McCain: A war hero who is married to a busty blonde who owns a beer distributorship. I mean… is this a hard choice?

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