Mission trip planned around the world

Tori Thompson of Springfield Township has big plans for New Year’s 2015 ? she’s looking to head overseas for a World Race mission trip.
“It’ll be awesome to work with people of different cultures and language,” said Thompson, 26. “They might exude God in a way I may not, but we’re all brothers and sisters of Christ. We’ll learn from each other. It’ll be really good.”
The 11-month mission trip will take her to 11 countries, one each month, on the Fusion Route ? Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Mexico, as well as the United States.
“We’ll work with different organizations and missions to help in whatever capacity they need ? AIDS work, care for orphans, digging wells, building schools,” she said.
The Fusion Route is made up of volunteers from different countries, which is something she’s looking forward to.
“One of the reasons I joined the team was that I was excited to be on a team made up of different nationalities,” she said. “”I have already met Korean, British, and Puerto Rican /Colombian teammates through Facebook.”
The World Race wouldn’t be her first trip overseas.
“My grandparents were missionaries ? we would visit them in Brazil,” she said.
Thompson, who grew up in Clarkston and graduated from Clarkston High School in 2007, has also already been on a mission trip, teaching grammar, literature, and world and American history at the age of 22 to middle and high school students in Saipan.
She was studying English at Southeastern University when a mission representative came to the college seeking new teachers.
“I decided to take a leap of faith,” said Thompson, who served in Saipan from 2011-2013. “It’s such a small island ? the people are so kind. You find a fusion of Asian cultures on the island. It was really challenging and really rewarding.”
She’s still in contact with many students she taught there, she added.
She learned about World Race, part of the Adventures in Missions organization, during her time to Saipan.
“My roommate knew someone in World Race ? I read about it over her shoulder and we talked about it,” she said. “It’s a way to see the world for what it is, see different cultures, and help them any way I can.”
To prepare for the trip, she needs to raise $16,200 for field expenses and medical insurance, and buy gear. She is about 26 percent there so far.
“We’ll have a backpack and day pack and that’s it, that’s all you can take,” she said. “We’ll stay in tents, sleep in sleeping bags and shower with a bucket of water.”
She hopes to help people in need in areas of the world where problems include severe poverty, war, AIDS, and human trafficking.
“My heart hurts for orphan and victims of sex trafficking,” she said. ” I feel like God called me to do this.”
She’s talking to people, churches, and community groups for donations. Fund raisers include selling Threads of Hope bracelets, made by impoverished families in the Philippines ? random-round style for $2 each, 3 for $5; flat styled, $4 each, $3 for 10. Proceeds are split evenly between the makers and her mission.
She also organized a World Race Chili’s Fundraiser Night, 11 a.m.-11 p.m., Oct. 22, at the Chili’s restaurant, 3940 Baldwin Road in Auburn Hills ? she receives 10 percent of total sales for the mission.
A fund raiser is also planned for 6-8 p.m., Nov. 11, at Culver’s.
After this experience, she may continue working with Adventures in Missions as a teacher.
“It’s all up in air, a blind adventure,” she said.
She is writing a blog, Torithompson.theworldrace.org, in preparation for the trip, which will continue throughout.
Contact her at 248-802-4893 or aguiafiel@aol.com.

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