Merry Christmas, to all (but it wasn’t always so)

I was born August 10, 1926. And, contrary to most American’s perceptions of Christmases from the mid part of the last century, it wasn’t all like the black and white movies of the time. For my first 10 or more years, no one in our home said, ‘Merry Christmas.?
My father was a Jehovah’s Witness.
He respected our Methodist mother to the extent he volunteered to work a job on the Grand Trunk Railroad every Christmas.
We had no Christmas dinner, absolutely no Christmas decorations or music and no exchange of gifts. Dad told us Jesus Christ was born in April, or February (I can’t remember) but not in December. Once in a while, Mother would defy Dad. Like one year when I was eight and my sister, was 10. That year Mom bought a sled for the two of us to share.
Now, I’m going to move you through the years, right up to 1990. Of course, we moved with the times, accepting God (at least partially.) On November 16 of that year, I went to the funeral for Shari Fox. She was the wife of Oxford Savings Bank president, Randall Fox.
The minister awoke in me something about spirituality and religion like no one before, when he asked us, ‘Where else is there to turn??
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? Recently I asked daughter Luan where our political parties found candidates like Terri Lynn Land and Gary Peters. She answered quickly, ‘In the bowels of the earth.?
? News that ain’t news: So many people hired by the Veteran’s Administration are on administrative leave they can’t quit or retire and still draw a pension.
? Ponder this: Life is sexually transmitted.
? Men have two emotions: hungry and horny, and they can’t tell them apart. If you see a gleam in his eyes, make him a sandwich.
? Life is like a jar of jalapeno peppers. What you take today might burn your ass tomorrow.
? Life is not about surviving the storm. It’s learning how to dance in the rain.
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What kind of people do the hiring for government jobs, who, seemingly, have as their goal to survive the day until they get to the time clock
People need goals, and reasons to live, not just exist.
I’ve mentioned it before, but some reporters need to tell the schedulers, particularly for Big 10 schools, to recheck their audiences.
Michigan State played Maryland Saturday at 8 p.m. in Maryland. I was told even Sparty didn’t turn it on.
I know it’s all about the money, but who’s getting it? Athletic directors? Atheists? East coast alums? Who?
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Remember this age old saying: ‘Liar, liar pants on fire??
One of the perks when elected or appointed to serve in Washington is being given fire resistant, asbestos lined underwear. Obama must have a closet full. He met with professor Anthony Gruber about three times to discuss Obamacare, which Gruber was writing.
Obama told his listeners (us) he never heard of the guy. This is the same president who said, ‘You can keep your doctor.? And under Obamacare health costs will go down.
Gruber has more degrees than a thermometer, but don’t let your kids quit school based on Gruber or Obama. Gruber used the word stupid several times to describe we citizens, but he told us he lied about the affordable care act just to get it passed.

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