Mama made me better at school

This is hardly news, but I was told recently the greenies are out to control the world. But, so are the Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, atheists, Russians, Japanese, Californians, Alaskans, upper and lower Slobovians, oil producers, Mexicans, Hollywood, etc, etc., but not the Detroit Tigers or Lions.
? I’m as confused as a baby in a topless bar.
? Smith & Wesson. The original point and click interface.
? The shortest distance between two points is currently in a subcommittee in D.C. It is expected they will announce a conclusion in 2017.
I just ran across my senior report card from Vernon High School. In the fourth marking period in 1942-43, I earned an E and three D’s. In the next marking period I earned three B’s and an A. I just turned that card over and saw my mother didn’t even sign it. For the fifth marking period I got an A and three B’s.
Mama made me better.
Then a recruiter, with my mother’s permission, had me sign for the Navy, where I personally won WWII.
? I’m not going to enlist again. But, if I were able to enlist I wouldn’t unless my mother insisted.
? If any of the so-called candidates today are on the ballot November 8, 2016, I will very reluctantly mark the box for one of them, only because I’m totally American. I’m not totally sure of the others.
* * *
Are the Detroit Lions Ford football team owners so tied up in themselves they couldn’t tolerate a non-Ford name being on the ownership title?
Or is the experienced Grande Martha Ford the only one in the family who can bring winning seasons back to DETROIT CITY?
The naming of Martha Ford manager of the Lions sure gives hope to me and others who are into our 90s.
She said she wanted a team that can compete. Maybe she should hold off on general managers until there’s that coming vacancy Dec. 8, 2016 in D.C.
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The first time I put this poem in my Jottings column was in 1961. It’s time to print it again.
Take a bucket and fill it with water.
Put your hand in it, up to your wrist
Pull it out, and the hole that’s remaining,
is a measure of how you’ll be missed.
* * *
? Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder.
? The problem with the gene pool is that there are no lifeguards.
? My mind is like a steel trap, rusty and illegal in 37 states.
? I’m not in the habit of forgetting faces, but in your case I will make an exception.
? Multi-tasking means screwing up several things at once.

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