By Megan Kelley
Review Writer
LAKE ORION — The Lake Orion High School DECA club students competed in their district on Jan. 7 at LOHS against more than 875 competitors from northern Oakland and Macomb counties with several Lake Orion students placing high enough to move on to the state competition.
DECA is a high school club for students interested in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. Competitions are done in several rounds.
“Our LO DECA members competed in role play events that had them study a never-seen-before case for 10 minutes for an individual event, or 30 minutes for a team event. Then, they compete using the five performance indicators listed on the case study along with the listed 21st Century skills,” DECA advisor Julia Dalyrmple said.
“From there, they move on to role play the case out with a judge. This is hard enough to do as an adult and an intense way to build skills as a student. Students also completed a 100-question marketing test in their competitive area to complete their scores.”
Lake Orion students moving on to the state conference in March are:
Kaelyn Halverson: Apparel and Accessories Marketing – Test winner, Role Play winner and State Finalist.
Kristin Choi: Business Services Marketing – Test and State Finalist.
Grace Hensley and Ryann Pifer: Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event – Test, Role play and State.
Lexie Stroschein: Entrepreneurship – Role play and State.
Ivan Dashkevich and Raymond Valentine: Entrepreneurship Team Decision Making Event – Test, Role play and State.
Lillia Bonner and Haylee Keogh: Entrepreneurship Team Decision Making Event – Role play and State.
Aaron Grekowicz and Christian Muresan: Financial Services – Team Decision Making Event – Role play and State.
Madeline Schmel: Human Resources – Role play and State.
Luke Diliberti and Lanagan Wollborg: Hospitality Services Team Decision Making Event – State Finalist.
Rylen Jurecko: Marketing Communication – State Finalist.
Nicholas Heist and Robert Kostecki: Marketing Management Team Decision Making Event – State.
Angelina Filias and Nick Heal: Marketing Management Team Decision Making Event – Test, role play and State.
Sofia Guajardo: Principles of Hospitality – Test and State.
Sara Heileman: Sports and Entertainment marketing – Test, Role play and State.

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