By Megan Kelley
Review Writer
Oakland County School Business Officials (OCSBO) met on Friday to name Lake Orion Community School’s Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance John Fitzgerald the 2018-29 Oakland County Business Administrator of the Year.
“It is with tremendous pleasure, seriously, that I am up here today to recognize John,” said Superintendent Marion Ginopolis. “ As a Superintendent there are some concepts or feelings that you want to have about your business person…one is that they are honest, two that they are passionate about what they do, trustworthy and smart. Those are words that truly describe John.”
In addition to his cabinet position with LOCS, Fitzgerald also oversees several opperational functions for the district such as food services, transportation and maintenance.
He was also a strong force in implementing the Alice Active Shooter Training to all staff throughout the district which puts students in a safer position in the event of a critical situation, said the OCSBO.
Fitzgerald started working at Lake Orion Community Schools in 2011 and since has been instrumental in passing both the 2 mill sinking fund in 2016, which generates approximately $3.5 million annually; and the $160 million, 7.49 mill, 10-year, three series bond in November 2018.
In his time at Lake Orion, Fitzgerald has managed to reduce LOCS’s massive $184 million debt balance by more than half, according to the OCSBO.
“One of the best things the Superintendent has done in her tenure at Lake Orion is to hire John Fitzgerald,” said Treasurer Jim Weidman. “I’m in my 19th year as a board member at Lake Orion and when John arrived it was the most financially challenging time in Lake Orion…we didn’t just need a front end alignment, we needed to get the wheels back on the wagon — things were headed south quickly.
“John’s diligence, thoughful and analytical approach to our financial issues lead us back to a healthy financial position,” Weidman said.
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