By Megan Kelley
Review Writer
LAKE ORION — Lake Orion Community Schools is honoring their hardworking and dedicated staff by naming this year’s Teachers of the Year at the elementary, middle and high school levels.
LOCS administration regularly boasts about their passionate staff and their accomplishments that set the district apart from others.
This year’s Teachers of the Year are:
Cathy Srock, Lake Orion High School
Cathy Srock was named Lake Orion High School’s 2022-23 Teacher of the Year. Srock is an English Language Arts teacher at the high school. She also has acted as a coach of the school’s forensics team and is one of the Broadcast/Media Production teachers. She has been with the district for 12 years and is an LOHS alumni.
LOHS staff filled the school’s KIVA while principal Dr. Dan Haas and Assistant Principal Vernon Burden both spoke about the nomination process which involved nominations from fellow teachers, students, parents and members of the community. Burden read some of the many submissions received about Srock.
“The words that they expressed about you all are amazing but there was one person, Cathy; there were a lot of nominations and it was a lot of good stuff,” Burden said. “The words that were expressed about Mrs. Srock were absolutely amazing.”
Cathy was joined by her family, including her husband, Jason, and her daughter, Isabella, as well as her mother, Jeanne, and sister, Courtney, a former Lake Orion High School teacher.
“I am so honored. I learn so much from the teachers around me every single day and I’m inspired by all of you,” Srock said. “I’m totally blown away and I don’t have many words right now but please, a sincere thank you. I feel very honored to be sitting up here and to be among you guys as my colleagues because: once a Dragon, always a Dragon and LOHS has my heart.”
LeAnn Goodall, Oakview Middle School
LeAnn Goodall was named the 2022-23 Teacher of the Year at the middle school level. Goodall is a computer teacher at Oakview Middle School.
“It would be hard to choose one characteristic that best describes her. She is always positive, goes out of her way to cultivate a sense of belonging here at Oakview, she’s empathetic, kind and a persistent problem solver. She adapts to whatever curve ball comes her way and has an abundance of patience,” said Oakview Middle School Principal Sarah Perry. “Instead of becoming overwhelmed or frustrated with new challenges, she immediately looks for how she is going to help staff or students through the change, thinking about her own needs last.”
“Everyday when I walk into the building and I see the students, they are my inspiration. I learn from them every day and I feel that they have a special place in my heart. I’ve been at Oakview since it opened and this is my family,” Goodall said.
Sarah Dabrowski, Stadium Drive Elementary School
Sarah Dabrowski was named the 2022-23 Teacher of the Year at the elementary level. Dabrowski is a third grade teacher at Stadium Drive Elementary.
Principal Gretchen Hynes began the presentation by stating that Stadium Drive has an abundance of excellent staff who she feels all deserve recognition.
“Many deserving candidates received nominations for Teacher of the Year but this one rises just a little bit above the rest; her passion for lifelong learning and caring for those around her creates a classroom environment that cultivates success,” Hynes said. “She sets the classroom tone every day as a safe place for all of her students. A place where students are able to take academic risks without worry, a place where they truly feel they are part of the learning community. Her students feel that their teacher not only knows them but truly cares about them. She truly embodies all that we stand here at Stadium Drive and Lake Orion Community Schools.”
Hynes went on to read some of the comments written about Dabrowski by parents, students and colleagues.
Dabrowski was joined by her family including her two children.
“I’m just super surprised and honored. I love my job and Stadium is my family, it always has been,” Dabrowski said.
Other teachers of the year at individual buildings include:
Keri Soule, Webber Elementary; Michelle Russell, Paint Creek Elementary; Jackie Stuart, Blanche Sims Elementary; Christine Charles, Carpenter Elementary; Ashley Buchanan, Pine Tree Elementary; Janet Thorpe, Orion Oaks Elementary; Jillyan Fuller, Waldon Middle School; and Kelly Stalions, Scripps Middle School.

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