Local taxpayers are urged to think global

Local taxpayers are urged to think global
Over in Lansing, the House passed a bill that would let school districts expand the use of ‘special? taxes which are now restricted to land and buildings.
Backers want school boards the ability to ask for specific taxes to buy buses, computer systems, etc. Those in favor recite the interest costs when money is borrowed to buy some things.
Only recently have ‘interest? costs been specifically mentioned in news reports. Now, interest expense is boosted in borrowing stories. Like, ‘including interest over the life of this ruling the obligation is,? and there follows some huge number.
A taxpayer’s obligation number.
There, I’ve got that out of my mind, if only temporarily.
It has been pushed aside by another word in that same school district ‘allowing? bill mentioned above.
The East Lansing representative, Mark Meadows, in pushing his tax-allowing legislation, says this money could ‘ensure our children can compete in a global economy.?
What I’m really concerned about is my 9-year-old twin grandchildren learning how to read, write, add, subtract, some history and some science.
Learning to compete on a global scale can come sometime after puberty, after a couple degrees, after they learn to compete locally and when they can do their own thinking about saving the world.
Al (the poor loser) Gore brought the word ‘global? to the forefront. This politician sprung this word on us when his ego needed an uplift after his political loss to President Bush 2.
Gore heard of a chunk of ice falling off a glacier, and saw it as a way to promote himself for a Nobel prize.
Voila!! Global warming.
Then, some researchers froze to death up north and scientists proved the warming thing to be false, so Gore switched his message to, ‘Climate change.?
No longer is ‘global? being pushed when it comes to weather. However, Mr. Meadows, and others, are trying to make us feel guilty for neglecting our school children by not directing enough tax money for specific structures and technology.
What a bunch of hooey!
Give our school children good teachers.
Instill in our children the thirst for knowledge and learning, instead of drowning them in homework from a million different programs.
If children learn to read and write they will do just fine globally or anywhere. And, they will be able to read the real meaning in proposed legislation.
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? The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.
— Will Rogers
? Hospitals are weird. They put you in a private room and give you a public gown.
? Welcome to Mackinac Island. Set your watch back 60 years.
? Then there’s this guy who thinks Taco Bell is a Mexican, phone company.
? Quote from 1957: ‘Thank goodness I won’t live to see the day when the Government takes half our income in taxes. I sometimes wonder if we are electing the best people to government.?
? Also from 1957: ‘I’m afraid to send my kids to the movies any more. Ever since they let Clark Gable get by with saying ‘damn? in Gone With the Wind, it seems every new movie has either ‘hell? or ‘damn? in it.

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