Local idol makes it to Hollywood round

Clarkston native Elizabeth Stalker is receiving lots of press recently due to her successful audition on American Idol, broadcast Jan. 15 on Fox.
Readers of The Clarkston News have known about her talent for years.
Stalker was our Millstream feature story on April 7, 2004. She was also featured in 2005 for winning six Detroit Music Awards, in 2006 for her work with Clarkston Village Players, and this past year when she performed a summer concert in Depot Park.
She is not supposed to talk to the press while the show is underway, but through the years she has described how much music and performing mean to her.
‘I am simply enjoying the journey,? Stalker said in 2004. ‘I don’t have huge expectations. I just want to sing and get the music out there. Where I end up will just be icing on the cake.?
Now her journey includes a trip to Hollywood, for a second American Idol audition in front of Randy, Paula, and Simon. Viewers will have to wait a few weeks to find out if she makes it to the final 24, when people can call in votes for their favorites. Audition shows continue into February, with second auditions in Hollywood set to air Feb. 12-13.
Stalker has been singing since she was 3 years old in Royal Oak, taught by her parents, Joseph and Linda Baldiga.
‘My father played the piano and was in a lot of jazz bands. He also played at church,? Stalker said.
As a 4-year-old, she sang in Sunday School and released her first album, ‘Jesus Loves Me.? She also performed on the ‘Spirit of Detroit? television show, broadcast on channel 62. She was known as ‘Little Liz? when she was younger.
‘My first name was Elizabeth, but I got teased a lot about my name growing up,? said Stalker. ‘So after junior high, I changed my name to Beth.?
At age 15, Stalker moved to Clarkston and continued singing. She showcased her talents with the Clarkston High School choir and drama club.
Stalker also formed a group with classmates Alisa Visconti and Sheila Spencer.
‘We would sing Christian folk music. We were an acoustic trio. We sang at a lot of churches and festivals,? Stalker said.
Stalker continued to sing throughout high school in musicals and choir, graduating in 1997.
After marrying her husband, Noel, they briefly formed a band, ‘Lady and the Tramps,? which played jazz. Over the past few years, she collaborated with lyricist Allan Goetz, Bob Bullock, Brad Ayres, and songwriter/producer David Mosher.
‘I love writing original music,? Stalker said. ‘My songs deal with a specific time in my life but they are not real specific. If someone goes through a similar situation, I want them to relate to the song.?
In 2004, Beth released her album ‘Here with You.? The recording took more than a year, she said.
‘It was originally just supposed to be a demo CD,? she said. ‘However, during the process of writing and recording we (Goetz and I) just kept writing.?
The ‘demo? turned into an 11 track disc, which also landed Stalker five ‘Detroit Music Awards? and one ‘Great Sounds? People’s Choice award.
‘It was crazy,? said Stalker, soon after she won the awards. ‘Every time I heard my name being called, it was like a dream sequence. I felt like everything around me was moving in slow motion ? I didn’t expect to take home any. Winning six out of seven awards was definitely one of the best nights for sure.?
Stalker’s video, ‘Here With You,? was chosen for best music video on a limited budget. Director Brad Ayres flew from California to accept the award.
“The music video played on the huge screen for all to see,? she said. ‘This was such an amazing night!?
In 2005, Stalker released her first Jazz album, recorded with the Cliff Monear Trio, ‘Hallelujah I Love Him So.?
She auditioned for ‘Nashville Star? television talent show in 2004, the only candidate from Michigan to go on to regionals, placing her with 74 other finalists out of 15,000.
She was a regular performer at the Clarkston Caf?, and returns home to sing at Clarkston’s Concerts in the Park.
‘Clarkston is the best crowd we’ve ever played, for sure ? it’s a beautiful town with a lot of memories,? she said.
Stalker always enjoys performing, she said.
‘The biggest thing is I have people that are paying attention, an engaged audience that cares about what you’re doing. Having my friends and family there supporting me, and having a live band behind me is always exciting, instead of just me and my guitar,? she said.
Her favorite songs to perform for concerts include ‘Black Horse and “The Cherry Tree? by KT Tunstall, and the love song that she wrote for Noel, ‘I can’t imagine.?
“I always make him come up on stage when I sing it,? she noted.
When not in the studio or on stage, Stalker enjoys spending time with their daughter, Chloe. She also enjoys surfing the internet and drawing.
“If I was not into music I would have done something in the arts,? said Stalker. ‘I love to paint and to draw.?
She is currently in the process of writing songs for a new album. It will be a Christian Rock album similar to ‘Here with You.? All of her songs have a spiritual context to them, and they all deal with life’s situations.
‘I write about the feelings that I went through to get to that point,? Stalker said. ‘I want to touch people with my music. I am trying to impact lives ? I want people to hear my music and feel a connection.?
For more information, check out www.BethStalker.com.

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