On May 1, Lake Orion’s boys track team defeated Clarkston 79-49. This was the final dual meet of the season for the Dragons.
Devon Altman, Sinai Pillot, Amaru Abdul-Raheem and Matt Freeman received 1st place in the 400m relay and Andrew Nolan, Matt Moreman, Nicholas Laurent and Ryan Mulcahy took 1st in the 1600m relay.
Individual first place wins for the Dragons include; Freeman who led a sweep in the 100m dash, Abdul-Raheem placed 1st in the long jump, Nolan who took 1st in the 1600m run and Thomas Moreman who was a double winner in the 110m high hurdles and the 300m hurdles
Lake Orion was undefeated in dual meets for the eighth season in a row, though because of a tie against Adams earlier in the season, the Dragons and the Highlanders will share the title of League Champions.
May 4th the boys finished 1st out of 36 teams at the New Balance Invitational with 61 points.
The Dragons scored 24 points during the five field events. Abdul-Raheem took 4th in the long jump, Zach Dinverno and Nicholas Campbell took 4th and 7th respectively in the pole vault. Dinverno also placed 5th in the high jump while Sebastain Marku took 6th in the discus and 4th in the shot put.
Thomas Moreman was named Athlete of the Meet after winning the 110m high hurdles and the 300m hurdles in record time. — M.K.

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