Last Minute Fun

Today everyone has a calendar or a list reminding us of what we have to do.

We get up in the morning and check to see what is on our to-do list. Some of us may even check it before we go to bed at night.

We scan our required to-do’s first as they receive top priority status.

Then we scan the rest of the list, placing additional items in order of importance or necessity.

Many weeks out of the year we will find ourselves trying to fit in our own needs, such as haircuts, dental cleanings, massages, time with friends or even just quiet time.

With our busy schedules, if someone calls at the last minute and asks us to go somewhere or meet them, many times it is impossible because it just cannot fit into our schedule.

(Life was not always so busy; there really was life before calendars were on our phones. There was even a time when we didn’t carry calendars with us!)

If I judged myself, I would be guilty of a tight schedule too.

Last Friday night, friends from church texted they were at CJ’s Lakeside Grill in Lake Orion and the timing was perfect for me. I had just finished dinner, but would meet to visit. It was last minute, a little late in the evening and fun. The dining room was calm and peaceful. It was wonderful to be in an environment where you could enjoy good company and actually hear each other talk.

We passed by The Flint Street Alleyway as we walked to our car. Have you seen it? The wood beams and lights were provided by the DDA in downtown Lake Orion.

Being January, the weather was not perfect. It was a dark, damp and rainy cold night, but at the last minute, I thought why not stand under the lights in the alleyway and have my picture taken? The lights look very cool; the rain made it a little tricky as it reflected the lights.

Still we made fun of it and if you have not done that yet, go there, snap your picture under the lights.

Last minute fun can also be an unexpected event added to your calendar with only a few days to plan it too.

The beginning of February’s calendar at Unity of Lake Orion was quiet and I began thinking about adding some extra fun. Putting on my thinking cap I noticed Groundhog Day was on a Sunday so let’s change the quiet month to a busy month. Putting a movie night at the end of January, and a potluck on Groundhog Day, just seemed like enough busy for the weekend.

But, if you have read my columns before, you know to be careful of what you are thinking. Because what you think you create!

Right after being sure the first weekend of the month was not quiet, I received a call asking if we could add hosting a last minute concert featuring Freebo.

Like the other concerts we host, it is not religious music; Freebo has played in quite a few popular bands and he brings those experiences with him. He is a wonderful entertainer and lives in California. We have enjoyed his concerts in the past and are welcoming a last minute concert this Saturday as we host Freebo!

Now the weekend that seemed so quiet has blossomed into quite a full weekend.

One could sit and contemplate often about what is on their calendar and to-do list. And surely, our calendar and to-do lists will always be our daily number one source of planning our days.

Know this: there is nothing on your to-do list that is more important than you! Think on that.

It’s early in the year and you have plenty of time to change the way you do things. Perhaps that is what is meant by Mark Chapter 8:36(NIV) “What good is it for someone to gain the world but lose their own soul?”

Take care of your personal inner being. Be open to putting last minute fun in your schedule it will feed your soul. Without you, there would be no calendar or list to keep. Open your heart and consciousness to being more than pressing engagements on a list. Allow yourself time to develop “you.” Without your participation in taking care of you, there will be more stress, relationships that don’t work, partnerships which fail, families will suffer, and even your company or employer will receive less from you. Remember you are important. The world needs your energy and the vibration you came here to be.

Enjoy every minute!

Many blessings,

Linda La Croix

Unity Director & Prayer Chaplain at Unity of Lake Orion.

Find uplifting posts on her Facebook page, A Spiritual Walk, or website,


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