Lake Orion DDA can find better uses for tax dollars than promotional mail

The deep pockets of the non-elected DDA board are now being use in a campaign to promote their benefits to the village.

You have now received two direct mailings to your name and address in full color. In checking the rate scale of the USPS, the charge is $.36 per mailing. In view of the recently circulated and validated petition regarding Ordinance 36.05 and it’s replacement by 36.06, it would seem that tax payer money might be being used for campaigning on this potential ballot question.

I’d suggest that the DDA’s marketing and promotion budgets would be better utilized for promoting the benefits and features of the business district to those outside of the village.

On another thought, instead of the quarterly “post card” water, sewer, garbage summary bill, perhaps our village could copy this direct bulk mail technique that the DDA uses to give us, the water and sewer customers, a more comprehensive billing statement now that our rates have been significantly increased.

In a more comprehensive billing statement other important messages could be included, such as toxic waste locations and dates, leaf pick up schedule, water main flushing, office hours and schedules, coming events, and other time and date notices.

I believe the village desires to better inform it’s citizens, and the billing process is delivered to everone.
Harry Stephen
Lake Orion

2 responses to “Lake Orion DDA can find better uses for tax dollars than promotional mail”

  1. (my thoughts) @Cory, if you are a member the DDA do you have to be a resident of said Village?, just a simple Ya or Na

  2. While the $.36 may be the mailing cost, that does not include the cost of composing, printing, and preparing a mailing to perhaps 1000 addresses if sent to everyone in the Village of Lake Orion.
    Based on the information on the mailings, this was all done by a company in Fenton so whatever the cost was, it did not even go to a Lake Orion business. So much for supporting our local businesses.
    I talked to one member of the DDA board who told me the board had nothing to do with this, what was said in the flyers, and the cost. If not the DDA Board, who does have responsibility for how taxpayer funds are spent?

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